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Bakugo sat for a few minutes dwelling on everything he did that led up to this moment, and how easily it could have all been prevented. He was then interrupted by his mom calling him out for dinner and telling him they had a guest. He didn't really feel like eating but he also didn't feel like getting whacked by his mom so he begrudgingly walked out of his room to see his mom, dad, and Inko Midoriya sitting at the table. He sat down quietly next to Inko who was still red faced and runny nosed. Dinner went by quietly until Mitsuki rested her hand on Inko's while giving her a sympathetic smile causing Inko to hiccup into another round of tears while murmuring "I can't believe he killed himself". When Bakugo looked at her he felt emotional pain run throughout his body and in a completely uncharacteristic move pulled her into a tight hug. Mitsuki and her husband gasped lightly while Inko hugged back almost completely calming down instantly. Bakugo slowly let the older Midoriya go and gave her a small smile before continuing prodding at his dinner while eating a grain of rice on occasion. "This might not be the best time to bring this up, but Bakugo if you want to get into UA you better start training tomorrow" "I don't want to talk about it right now" "Well let's talk about it later then ok" "Fine". 

Later that night after Inko had said her goodbyes Bakugo tried to sneak off to his room when his mom grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to the table. "Let me go bitch! What are you even doing?!" "I want to talk to you about your training" "I don't to talk about the stupid training!" "Look if we don't talk about this now then when?" "I told you I don't want to talk about this" "But what about going to UA-" "THAT WAS HIS DREAM! He always wanted to go to UA, but because of me he will never accomplish that, will he?" "Honey I'm sure that you have nothing to do with that-" " No. I had everything to do with it. If I had just not... you know what, no, I'm not fucking going to UA. I don't deserve to". "Then do it for him" "what?" "He can't accomplish his dream anymore then do it for him, do it in his name" "You know what, I will, EVEN IF HE CAN NO LONGER ACCOMPLISH HIS DREAMS I WILL CARRY ON HIS MEMORY AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE REMEMBERS HIM!" "That's great! Now about your training..." "I'll start tomorrow".

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