The Battle

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Bakugou paced back and forth, waiting for the battle to start. Okay, so we are going up against vine girl and pink cheeks, so this shouldn't be to hard. Bakugou thought to himself. "So I think that we should both stay here and guard the bomb" Iida stated, turning to Bakugou. "Whatever, I'm going to face them by myself",Bakugou hissed before correcting himself " Actually, I'll listen to you, it's what deku would've wanted". Iida gave a slight frown then suggested, "Maybe you can go be on offensive, it might slow them down a bit, as long as you make sure to tell me if one of them gets past you" "yeah sure, whatever" Bakugou stated while getting into a running position in front of the door, "But you won't have to worry about that" He sneered. "Alright, YOUR TIME STARTS NOW!" All Might shouted through the speakers

  And both teams were off. Iida started cleaning and preparing the room around them while Bakugou took off down the halls, like a predator chasing its prey. He slowed down when he got around halfway down the building. He stopped and listened.....*dink* There they are, Bakugou thought as he prowled closer to their presumed location. He peeked his head around the corner and saw Uraraka tiptoeing down the middle of the hall. Without a moment of hesitation he blasted himself at her, aiming right at her head, then from the end of the hall on Uraraka's side vines whipped around speedly, aiming at Bakugoes face. He dodged and blasted them the best he could and in a matter of seconds it was a full out one on one between Shiozaki and Bakugou. As the fight progressed between him and the vine girl he saw Uraraka slipping around the corner, No big deal, He though as he dodged another attack, I'll just handle this bitch and go after that one. 

 Iida stood guard patiently after cleaning up, he was busy practicing his villainous laugh "Ha HA ha, no, that's not it, Mua HA HA, that one sounds sufficient" he said, decidingly. Just then he heard a shuffle. "Hey Bakugou? He asked pointedly, " Do you still have both the girls in your sight" "Yeah, I do", Bakugou said aggressively, "I just finished with the vine girl so now I'll beat up  pink cheeks" He stated, out of breath. "Oh, okay... Good job fellow villain, MUA HA HA!" Iida said, trying his best to sound scary. It didn't work. Well if Bakugou has both of them with him I guess I don't need to be looking around, I might miss them coming through the door, Iida though, staring straight ahead at the door, only thinking vaguely of the shuffling noise next to him.

"Where did she go!" Bakugou shouted angrily, "I just saw her!". He ran through the halls, trying to head back up to the bomb when he heard the exact thing he didn't want to hear, "The hero team, WINS!"

While continuing to practice his villain impressions Iida heard a chuckle behind him. He whipped around as fast as he could and dove toward Uraraka but it was to late, she hugged onto the bomb with all her might "The hero team, WINS!". 

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