120 Down to 11 and then to 4.....

403 16 7

It was a uniquely blue-skied day, fog settled over the Kangaroo Lake. It was the day my friend was in tears. 

He bent down in respect of Winston Magnessun.

Mark Winston was very worried of what the enemy had done to him...

Yes we were In a hunt, to save everyone in the world.

While some oppose our actions. 

Mark bent down in respect and offered flowers, the cold breeze blew, and the trees shimmied in the silent air.

Mark coughed."He never had told me to tell this to you, you know what buddy....He wanted me to tell this to you." Mark surprisingly rose with a new conversation.

Before I tell what the last words of Magnessun was, I Carl, will tell you how it all started:

There were first 120 scientists in the whole world who were looking forward to start a mission of Save Human Race.

To do that, they planned to conduct various experiments on a tree called RoseShark Tree.

The tree had abnormal features as it had lived about 680 years with no supply of water, the scientists set off to the only RoseShark tree in the world, which was found in the far east of the Amazon Forest.

All the scientists began with a big chunk of information about the tree, and needed human volunteers who could be experimented on the process of creating immortality. But sponsors were losing hope on this movement, and funds decreased to support the scientists.

Government also had blocked this movement to continue as it had been constructing large scale labs in the forest area, which could destroy forest livelihood too much. Therefore 50 of them returned to their homes. 12 went to extremes and died, and 47 people were called back by the government later. But a group of eleven went missing, which no one knew why....

Later the government took strict actions to find the eleven from the Amazon.. But they could never find them even after destroying abandoned labs.

They thought they were dead too...But the eleven were extremely intelligent and effective in different ways, they conducted surveys within themselves and gained so much information.Later they could get near the project's goal and could have finished the project with a victory, but they couldn't. This was because they too needed a human volunteer for this extremely important mission.

As a matter of fact, Andrew Morales a scientists decided to use one of the eleven as his subject to experiments without telling the other 10. He secretly took different measures to bring down one of us as his pawn...

He could use restricted drugs made by himself on One of us called Mike McGreggor.

He used him several times in his own lab near the main lab facility secretly for many years.As the drug could control the patient until the person dies or faints.

Andrew's secrets were soon know by the others, and saw this as an mortification, and then came two more people who also joined Andrew, and further used three more people for the experiment. The remaining people in the squad also joined for experimenting the four subjects voted by them secretly. All of them together worked on the human specimens, and worked for 43 years using favorable and perfect conditions to make the human body survive all extreme cases was finally successful in the year 2017, and the secret to make that was saved successfully in a Drive which was very advanced and could store very large files.

The four who survived the anticipated experiment were brought to their new life after a minor surgery to all of them, but the problem was that the government still suspected the secret work of several people in Amazon as after the experiments had started, 40 years later there was a satellite sent by the USA which could sense these labs easily.

As the government had ordered to destroy the abandoned labs earlier, now the tourists,tribes and common people noticed the labs several times and reported to the government.

Just before we were brought to life, the government entered the amazon.

The time to escape and safeguard the drive of an illegal project was considered impossible by the remaining 7. Therefore they had secretly hid the Drive where it would be safe forever, and the four were brought back. We had a 1-minute conversation of what happened and then the authorities entered the lab, we knew we had to tell this to the entire human race to safeguard earth... But if this came into the hands of the bad people, this could also lead to the end of the human race. Therefore we decided to keep this as a secret, and then we were silently sent into a Supersonic Jet, The Convair Model 58-9.

We had been sent perfectly unknowingly, but the remaining seven sacrificed their lives and their lifetime for us to become immortal. 

But the problem is, we also never knew where the drive was kept. We were sent in different jets and we didn't mind where to live after this. We had not forgotten our past memories, but we were worried about the people who lived and loved us in the past, they would get scared and might convey the facts to the government. So we had to forget them and had to live secretly and save the human race.

We four were the only Immortals in the whole universe. We had to find all the clues of the universe and find solutions for the Saving of the human race.

The four were me, Mike McGreggor, Karrie Syd, Sean Magellan.

My name is Carl Danver Connors, the fourth survivor of the immortals.

Actually we were special in different fields. Karrie and Sean worked for finance, and Mike Worked for the science and tech development, and I worked for Data collection and Analyzing unit.

 We were separated across countries. And just now I had found McGreggor in a tour park....

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