Public display of affection

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|No one can rile me up so easily but I'm in love with you as no one will ever calm me so swiftly either.|

Feet unwilling to support his weight, Louis needed to question what their point was to begin with, forcing him to drag the limbs on the tiled floor, feeling remorse that one cannot simply leave them behind.

The only thing distracting from his legs was the pounding headache that was sending tremors of painful stabs across his temples. It was actually mournful that one was unable to move without their head as well.

Everything about today was a little amiss almost like someone-with greater powers-has budged all living creatures and uncanny objects to in some shape or form ruin Louis' sanity.

"Tomlinson we'll be on air in a few, feeling scared for your acts?" Giving a huge sigh and trying his best to clear his head he turned towards Robbie. There was no room for anxious thoughts and heavy limbs, the boys needed him.

"Not one bit, but I'm also not the one who should be." He managed to muster up quite the feisty tone, resulting a tiny smile to spread on his face. "And your girlfriend will come today, right?" A voice much more irritating than William's rang through the hall that the pair has reached-both heading to talk to the contestants-filling the minuscule lad with wrath.

Facing away from the contestants gathered backstage-waiting-he barely managed to open his mouth, letting his mind shut down and not get involved when he speaks to Cowell-pretty bad habit-when a different voice raised from the noise.

"Certainly his girlfriend can find a better way to occupy herself, me and Louis are about to be a little busy." Desperate to hide the shudder that surged through his body from that tone, Louis brushed off some invisible lint from his pants, not looking at anyone in that moment.

The competitors started to get excited, whispering loudly, surely figuring that Harry's presence is part of the show and they'll meet him pr. They were absolutely precious with their oblivion.

"Styles I don't think you have any business here to begin with let alone backstage so I'd ask you to..."

"Don't get your panties in a bunch Cow-shit, you won't even notice that I'm here." Louis dared a glance towards his husband, resulting the perfect view of him flipping off the old idiot and sauntering towards Louis.

Barely enough time to open his mouth, Louis had no time to figure out whether he's done that to comply with Harry's unspoken wishes or to send him away. Although that will always stay a mystery since Harry had his way.

Blinking his eyes shut, mind clearing almost as fast as one's research history when their parents ask for their computer to check some emails, Louis paid no mind to where they were, letting Harry's tongue press against his own as his arms twined around his neck, encouraging his husband to pick him up.

Jumping in the slightest, Louis wrapped his legs around his torso, clinging to him like that was his job whilst Harry made all possibilities of Louis' cerebrum functioning impossible. Shivers kept running up his spine as one of the curly-haired lad's palm moved from his bum to caress his hips under the soft material of his jumper.

Meandering to the very first door, neither of them took notice of any reactions to their not so subtle display of affection nor to Rotten-cow's cries of incredulous complaint, plainly locked the door with a bang, Louis found himself mushed against it fairly swiftly.

His mind fuzzy and eyes barely peeking over Harry's shoulder who was attacking his neck with stupefying nibbles and licks, as his last conscious act he focused his vision, taking in the props closet that they barged into.

Finding it empty his mind refused to comply with any further wishes of his, shutting Louis' sense down and making him voice obnoxious sounds of pleasure that certainly will be heard by everyone outside.

Peppering kisses all the way from his collarbone up to his earlobe, Harry sucked on the bottom of his ear resulting his knees to weaken, grateful that Harry was there so he could cling to him and stay upright.

"If you're going to be that loud peachy everyone will know what I meant by busy." Lifting his hands up to his lips, his wrists got captured by his husband who coerced them above his head. A throaty moan slipped past his parted mouth, his legs pressing against Harry's back stronger in order to keep up.

"But you see darling I love nothing more than those little whimpers that you make when I do this." Before Louis could protest and call out the curly-haired lad's preposterous behaviour, he found himself doing exactly that as Harry without asking pushed his tongue down Louis' throat.

Opening his mouth wider he let his own follow Harry's movements, yearning for the pressure against it, their lips meeting in an almost bruising kiss. Pulling away way too soon, Harry brought his hands back down whilst Louis kept them pressed together against the door mindlessly. A stray strand of hair was tenderly swept out of his face, Harry's lips connecting to his forehead in a soft peck right afterwards.

Without wasting their breaths by using words, Louis plainly gave an adorable giggle that fired Harry on, both of them knowing how much they love each other, not in need to hear it. Instead Harry closed the distance between them again and skilfully undressed both of them, Louis' feet only coming in contact with the ground for two seconds whilst his pants were discarded.

"You're so fucking hot baby doll, and all mine. Just mine." Nodding his head rapidly, Louis tried to relax as much as he could upon Harry pressing a finger into him, wanting to get his dick inside preferably sooner than later.

However getting fucked by Harry's long and beautiful digits was his second favourite thing so he swiftly got lost in the feeling, rocking his body down by clasping Harry's shoulders for leverage and moaning obscenely each time his prostate was jabbed.

Disappointment remained as his only emotion once he lost the fascinating rhythm, firm pressure and addicting fullness. Harry did not wait long enough to hear his begging, maybe knowing how much time they have left, or perhaps not realising that is was building in Louis, instead he trusted up into him sharply.

The slight pain mixed with the pleasure clouded his mind fully as he whimpered softly, grabbing locks of velvety curls at the back of Harry's head tugging on them ever so tenderly. He was already very close, Harry knowing how to get him riled up in like five minutes for a swift fuck or able to elongate his orgasm with teasing for hours if he wished to do so. Probably planning to time his peak right about then and Louis was able to tell that from his trusts hitting his prostate every single time, dead on, and how he was kissed hotly.

His husbands almost always does that, linking their mouths even if they're both simply panting against each other, to make Louis feel his whole. The thought of ever doing this with anyone else, someone not knowing how much he loves the gesture was not only repelling but straight up riotous.

His body seized up as tremors surged through him, his lips pressing shut as he whimpered against Harry's own ones, softly whispering his name multiple times like that mantra was the only thing keeping him grounded.

Clenching his teeth he waited for Harry to finish as well, a little sensitive but pushing through it until he rode out his orgasm.

"I believe we've been heard peachy." Louis chuckled once both of them were dressed again, his head tucked under Harry's chin, seated on his lap whilst his husband was perked on a counter that had an array of wigs on top.

"Lucky them, but remember you're still only mine." Turning his head and pressing a tender kiss onto Harry's jaw, Louis closed his eyes for a few seconds, mumbling dozed off. "Always yours Haz."

And if on the next show he needed to listen to a two hour long lesson on how the contestants weren't supposed to know and have a lecture on subtlety he certainly forgot, mainly focusing on the right time to do as Harry asked.

Since he would be utterly screwed if anyone else would know what the two of them were up to this time.

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