Chapter 16

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Camas' POV

I walk home from school, not seeing Regan or Shawn at all. I pull out my phone to text her.

C: Hey, where are you?

I wait 4 mintues.

R: At home.

C: Already?

R: Yea..

C: Is everything alright?

R: Yup. I just wanted to get home early.

C: Is it alright if I come over?

R: Um, we are actually on our way to the hospital. Maybe some other time?

C: Yea sure. Bye

I slide my phone in my pocket, walking to my house. I turn around. No one. Good. I turn back around, crossing the road. I make my way up to my house. I pull the house keys out from my backpack. I put them in the door and I unlock it. I open the door and I close it, walking into the kitchen to grab a snack. I set my backpack and the keys on the counter. I open the pantry, grabing a bag of Doritos. I close the pantry to see my little brother Jace.

" Hey Jace. Wheres mom and dad?" I ask kneeling down.

" In their room" He answers. I look at the ground holding in my smile.

" Go watch some tv. Crank the volume" I giggle at him. He nods and runs out. I stand back up grabbing my back pack and the keys, I walk up the stairs quietly. I walk to my room closing the door. I set my backpack on the floor and I put my keys on a hook on my door. I sit on my bed pulling out my phone. I open the bag of chips and I grab one, I plop it in my mouth. I text Matthew.

C: Hey boy.

M: Hey babe. Where are you? I didnt see you walking back home.

C: I left early. Im at home, trying to ignore my parents getting funky

M: LOL! I feel bad for you. Is it alright if I come over?

C: If you want. I dont think my parents will care

M: ok. I'll see you in 5

I put my phone on my bedside table. I get off my bed. I look around at my messy room. I pick up my bra's and underwear, I throw them in my laundry hamper. I pick up a old jusice box. Ew? I throw it in the garbage. I go to my bathroom and I open my makeup drawer. I pull out my Sweet Mint EOS lipbalm. I apply it to my lips. I put it back in the drawer and I walk out of my room and down the stairs. The door bell rings. I walk to the door and I open it. Matthew is standing there. I smile.

" Come in" I move away form the door, I close it as he walks in.

" I want you to meet someone" I say walking him to the living room. Jace is on the couch playing with his blue ball. He looks at me smiling.

" Matthew, this is my little brother Jace.Jace, this is my friend. Matthew"

" Hey Jace" Matt says waving. Jace waves back throwing the ball at me. I catch it as it hits my chest.

" Jace, what did I tell you about throwing balls?"

" Thats what she said" Matthew says looking around awkwardly. I slap his arm lightly. We hear a loud moan from upstairs.

" Sorry, my parents have been getting along.... REALLY good" I say giggling.  Matthew chuckles.

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