Chapter 8

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Camas' POV

We arrive at school, Regan and I link arms and we walk up into the school. Cameron and Taylor catch up to us. Taylor is on Regans side, Cameron on my side. I look up at him and I smile.

" What classes do you guys have? And what locker numbers are you?" Regan asks looking up at Taylor.

" I have History first period. Math next, Science, Tech and yea. My locker number is 223" Cameron says. I jolt my head up at him.

" I have History, math and science 2! And my locker number is 222" I cheer. Cameron smiles. " Regan has History, Science Math, cheer meet and gym. Her locker is 221"

" I have the same fricken classes as you Regan. My locker is 220" Taylor says. Oh my god, this is perfect. Regan smiles wide. We both look at each other. Smiling so wide my cheeks hurt. I look up the hallway to see Shawn talking to Willow. I nudge Regans arm.

" What?" she asks. I point to Shawn. " Oh my god" she says letting my arm go and speed walking to Shawn. Taylor, Cameron and I follow. Shawn looks up at Regan. She stands infront of Willow.

" You can walk away Shawn." She says turning to Willow. 

" You alright?" she asks. Willow nods. Shawn turns away pissed.

" He threatend me" her voice shaky.

" What did he say?" I ask.

" He said if I ever scream again, he wil do things to me. I dont know why he is picking on me! I didnt do anything!" she runs away crying. Regan looks at me. She sighs. We all walk to our lockers.

" I dont understand that boy. Where's Matt?" I ask. Regan shrugs. I look at Cameron and Taylor. They shrug as well. I open my locker and I pull out my History books, Regan, Taylor and Cam do the same.

" Cmon. Lets get to History" Cameron says. We all follow each other.


After a long day at school, Regan and I walk out. Regan is in her cheer outfit.

" How was cheer?" I ask her. She nods.

" The boys watched." She giggles. I look at her with my mouth open.

" Bae!" I scream. Her cheeks turn red. 

" You did good in cheer" Duke says walking past her. He winks.

" My god. I hate Duke. Fricken creep" she says.

" YO, CAMAS WAIT UP!" Cameron yells running up to me. 

" Hey Cameron." I say. 

" Imma go. Talk to you guys later" Regan says walking away. Taylor catches up with her. I look at the football jocks. Matt and Shawn are looking at Regan and I.

" I think Matt likes me" 

" Really?" Cameron sighs.

" Yea, he's always watching me. Same goes with Regan. Shawn is always watching her. And its wierd. Whenever we hang out, they are always looking at us. I think they are jealous"

" Shawn and Matt jealous? I dont think so" He chuckles.

" I guess you're right"

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