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~Anna's POV~

I couldnt really sleep after today. Especially after what happened when Pete hugged me. I hadn't meant to hang on that long.. I just couldn't help it. I had gotten a lecture about staying out too late and my parents had asked a ton of questions. I just said I was with a friend, which wasn't exactly a lie. But then they asked what her name was.. I didnt want to lie about that.

Well actually guys, he is a he, I told them. They were in complete shock. I was scared that they wouldn't allow me to hang out with him again so I quickly added-

And he is just a friend. Dont worry you guys, he has a girlfriend already anyways. He just wanted to show me around town, since I was new. I saw relief flood through my dad's eyes, but my mom still seemed suspicious. Then I lied about being tired and went up to my room. And here I was, still awake at 3am in the morning. I felt kinda bad about lying to my parents, except I knew it was for the best. I put my phone on shuffle and started skipping through the songs. But when First Date by Blink-182 came on, I didnt hit skip.

When you smile I melt inside

Im not worthy for a minute of your time

I really wish it was only me and you Im jealous of everybody in the room

Please don't look at me with those eyes

Please don't hint that you're capable of lies

I dread the thought of our very first kiss

A target that I'm probably gonna miss

Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over

Honest, let's make, this night last forever, forever and ever lets make this last forever...

It was kinda perfect.

~Pete's POV~

The clock now read 4:06 am. I just couldnt fall asleep. Lyrics were crowding my head and I couldn't wait to tell Patrick about them tomorrow. Oh man, tomorrow Anna was coming with me. She would obviously figure out that the song was about her. I cursed in my head. Maybe I could just change some of them so it wouldn't be the same exact situation...

Let's see here. Instead of "Dancing to the music, hand in hand" I could say "Racing through the city, windows down." I scribbled out my original lyrics and wrote in the new ones. But what about the next part? "Running out, and never looking back." I tapped my lip with the pen. "In the back of yellow checkered cars." I wrote in place of it. That was better, but still pretty obvious. Oh well, I was getting too tired to think of anything more. I felt my eyes grow heavy, and I dozed off.

I opened my eyes, and checked the clock right away. 9:30 am, I was running late. I threw on a black Metallica shirt and some jeans and sped through the rest of making myself look somewhat presentable. I rushed out the door and straight to Anna's house. I knocked on the door hurriedly. She didnt answer, an man who looked about the age of 40 did. This must be her dad... Oh no.

"Hello" He said.

"H-hi sir." I said trying to but confident but failing miserably. "Is Anna around?"

The confused look left his eyes but was soon replaced by judgement. He looked me up and down and nodded.

"I can go get her. Wait here." He said.

That was kinda weird.. I hoped Anna had explained who I was. I wondered what she said. I waited for about 3 minutes and then the door opened. This time it was her, and I was very glad.

"Hey, are we going to your band practice?" She asked me.

"Yup, c'mon!" I replied and we started walking to Patrick's house. A couple of blocks later, we were halfway there. It suddenly started to pour. Anna screamed "RUN!" And then started to laugh because she didn't know where she was going.

Alone Together // Pete WentzWhere stories live. Discover now