18, 116

2 0 0

18, 116

The loud bell rings out

Reminding me of celebration

How could I have forgotten

I run out to the center square

Eager for the 18s to begin

When I get there it's empty except

For a few small plastic decorations

And many chairs

I wait for a few minutes

Looking behind myself every

Few seconds

Wondering how early

I am

And mentally preparing myself for

Upcoming years

After checking my watch for

The hundredth time

I finally hear footsteps

Behind me is a large stampede of


Marching in unison towards me

I slowly creep into my place in the crowd

Standing in the front most rows

Of 239 people

I look up

Watching leader step out from his high reaching


Immediately our talkative group becomes an

Organized cluster of people

He claps once

And we all bow down in respect

He claps twice

And we let our heads rise to

A tightly held stance

He claps three times

And we sit

Our right ankle crossed tightly over

Our left

Our hands held perfectly on our lap

All five fingers folded over each other

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