The unusual day

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Sam arrived late that evening, His phone battery had been dead, which made his frustration grow even more apart from the work load he had that day.

He expected Sophia to be home and Thought that finally he would rest and have some meal.

He lived in a a beautiful mansion near the Stravinsky fountain. The Stravinsky fountain is a whimsical public fountain ornamented with sixteen works of sculpture, moving and spraying water, representing the works of composer Igor Stravinsky.

Sam's interest in architecture and Sophia's love for art Made them choose that location in the heart of the city of lights. Sam approached the gate and on the GPS of his car, A small box said open gate. He pressed that and his gates started opening He cursed the slow opening gates as he honked for no reason. After parking his Audi A8L Security At its place he went for the door and rang the bell twice, there was no response, frustrated, He took out the keys and opened in, "Sophia..!" He exclaimed as he banged the door behind him and went for the kitchen "Sophia! Where the hell are you" He screamed and opened the fridge
There He found a some fruits which he took out, Washed and went to his room "God damn it..! She isn't home yet every thing had to freak up today itself..!!" Sam spoke to himself.

He plugged his phone to Charger and switched it on, 7:30 PM 3rd March 2018 was visible, After few minutes he Called Sophia only to find that "the number you have dialled is currently busy please call again later". After few minutes of swiping through his feed he slept.

About midnight he suddenly woke up with a nightmare, Sophia wasn't on bed. He became tensed now Lights of his room were still on And He still had his Tie and belts on. He searched for his specs Only to find it At the bottom corner Of his bed, "Now how did that reach there" he said helplessly angered! He picked up his phone, too lazy to grab the glasses And the phone was switched off. He pressed the switch on key hard only to realise that the charger cable was out of the plug!
"God damn It!" Exclaimed Sam as he plugged the charger in and woke up to change his dress.the night seemed pretty quite and normal Yet he was so Worried for Sophia. He washed his face and came back after changing clothes to have a look at his phone, After switching it on he again dialled Sophia. He was so much worried now that he had left the tap open. No ringing was heard.

"This number is out of reach" said a voice at the other end. Worried Sam dialled the number few times And got the same result, He then called her colleague Logan Who picked up after few rings
"whose this?" Logan spoke in a sleepy tone.

"Logan its Samuel! Do you have any idea Where Sophia is or was!" Sam asked In a hurry voice.

"How would I know that, I am not her freaking husband nor am I some personal Guard of hers Just call her and don't disturb me" Said an angry Logan from the other end.

Logan's accent was German as that was the place he grew up In. His agression was the result of a disturbed and horrific past he had. Because of the death of his parents When he was young he had to work for living and that's when he shifted to France. "Why the hell would I have called you if She had already picked up..! Hang up rascal!" Shouted Sam as he was far more frustrated than a man disturbed from sleep. Sam immediately got up and went for his car keys. He decided to go to her workplace to interrogate, As he was about to pick his keys, His phone started ringing, He hurried back towards his bed and picked up his phone

"Bonjour!, Who is this?" Sam said in a low voice.

"Je suis Grayson! Agent Sam it's been long now, We have organised a meeting, You should be at the HQ in 4  hours" Said The voice Which had a clear Recognisable french tone.

"Is it an emergency!" Asked Sam more worried now

"Blathans are not supposed to ask they are supposed to act! 'au revoir' Samuel, expecting you soon" said the voice as it hung up.

Samuel had been getting such calls  once a month. But never had someone asked him for a personal meet. It was always some other matter; A deal that he agreed to.

BlatharComrades was a secret organisation about which not even Sam knew anything, But few events, that occured an year ago Made Him Get to know about it. He Wondered whether he should go. But he knew exactly what he had to do. "It's 12:30 now I've got enogh time".


A/N:- There was a small error in the second last para But I have edited it now.

*(Sam got the call every month)*

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