The mysterious call

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Sam had returned from the hospital the same day and he was quite confused as well as frightened. The next day he sat on his bed, thinking he should tell Sophia about this. But he was really disturbed. He frequently shivered as those events flashed back in his mind. His telephone rung and he picked up the receiver, trembling, "Hello! who is this?"

"Am I speaking to Mr Samuel Charlie?" A clear French accent was heard from the other side.

"Yes, who are you?" Sam said, confused as much as scared.

"That's not the matter of concern right now! You, Mr Samuel, witnessed a murder yesterday afternoon and..."

"What murdered do you speak of? I know no murder! Sorry sir, maybe you have got some wrong information," Sam hesitated and tried sounding as calm as possible, even though his eyes wide open in astonishment, confusion and fear.

"Mr. Samuel, I did not ask you this. I just have a message to deliver, so you must not, I repeat, MUST not speak about this to anyone. If you do so, your life is in danger. That murder was done by an underground organisation and those two members murdered were our members. Speaking of us; We are a secret Association who fight for justice and that underground organisation have been on our target list since long time. Join hands with us and together we can eradicate evil from the society and provide justice to millions of people who were affected by these criminals. Our Association has an amazing co-ordination, highly qualified and well trained spies, so anything happening in any corner of France is never hidden from us. You have been given a golden opportunity. Miss it, and you will regret."

"I... I.. don't understand anything, who are you? How do you know me? Why am I being offered the task of spy?" Asked Sam, who now had many expressions on his face.

"If you wish to join hands which doesn't require any special formality, you just need to meet me at the same garage where you witnessed events. Don't worry, we have got hold of that place. If you are joining us, then your protection is our concern and we always keep our word; the choice is yours."

Sam hung up the phone. He was trembling.
Sam had always loved adventures. In just one year of his marriage with Sophia they had visited almost 15 countries and settled in Paris. He always had this secret ambition of being a spy. He thought that he should take this chance; although his hand was plastered and body bandaged, he was still capable of moving.

There was an important meeting he had to attend the next day so he thought he would try the garage again. His new phone arrived that day and he lied Sofia that he sold his phone for a new one.

Next day, Sam travelled the same route. He suspiciously looked at everything there. As always, the street was empty; all those events again flashed back in his mind. He gulped in and thought that this is going to be fun either in a bad way or good one. He then saw a man in coat with sunglasses on approaching him.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Samuel," said the man in a French accent.

He was clearly the man on the phone call. He had the photo of Sam in one hand and matched it with a smile.

"This is Grayson, a man with whom you will soon get familiar.  Either you accept the offer, or not,"said Grayson with a smile and a warning tone rather than a greeting one.

He took him to the garage which seemed totally different today.
There were no Spray paints on the wall and the garage was well organised with a big meeting table in the centre which had seat for about 12 people.

They sat there..

"So the rules are clear: you have to act immediately on whatever command you recieve, and no questions are to be asked. We are a group of few people who don't know each other except for the leader, who knows us all. We are fighting a criminal association named 'Osore'. All we need from you is information about Victor, your colleague. Let us know when he is in the office and when off. And you MUST not speak about this to anyone. Not even Sophia."

Grayson seemed to have a wicked smile at her name.

Sam was hit suddenly by the name of Sophia. "Wh.. what Sophia? She has nothing to do with all these. How do you know her?" Sam stammered.

"Blathans don't ask, they act. We will be calling you once a month to get the necessary details. Make sure no one is around then."

Grayson stood up after saying this. He still had a smile on his face.
"What do I get in return?" Asked Sam gathering all his courage.

"Revenge! They had decided to kill you and might even follow you now but you are under our protection from this day,"
Grayson said.

"Welcome to Blathancomrades, Mr Samuel Charlie,"
Grayson Shook hands and Started moving.

As soon as Sam was out, Grayson locked the door and disappeared at the turn of the street. Sam was confused. Totally confused. This week had been a complete disaster for him. He went home, took a deep breath and noted down in his diary:

What is Blathancomrades?
Who is Grayson?
How does he know me, Sophia and the events that occurred to me?
Why does he want me in?
What is 'Osore'?
Why and How did I get involved?


I wonder whether someone Is actually reading this.
If you have successfully reached till here without getting bored then do comment down
Cause everything seems empty when you have silent readers
(readers who just read and stay silent)

Edit by : ZebaAlmas

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