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15th March 2017

Sophia had to go abroad for some important work, which left Sam all to himself. It had been 2 weeks since Sophia had gone; Sam had just been busy with his schedule, but there was one thing that was disturbing him:

He usually took a shortcut to his car parking from his office which involved going through abandoned streets, but a day ago, while he was returning from his work, 4 men in masks stopped him and asked him to change his route. Sam Argued over What their problem was, they just threatened his life and said any action against them was an act of foolishness if he cared for his life.

Sam Had seen them few days ago too. He ignored them and said that he won't change his way for a stupid cause. As he started going, he was hit hard by some object which made him almost unconscious. He turned towards them, about to fall, but then they had started dragging him. He tried to escape their catch but the others started hitting him whenever he tried to do so.

After few moments, he opened his eyes, only to find himself surrounded by 2 other people whose hands just like his, were tied to poles attached to the ground. The room smelt of gun shots and had everything scattered around as if there had just been a critical fist fight. Sam was dead scared. He regretted arguing with those people.

After few moments, a man who seemed to be one of those 4 masked men came in saying, "Any last wishes." He laughed, and took out something which took away everyone's breathe. Sam felt the chill down his spine seeing a M9 semi-automatic pistol. Sam's knowledge in ammunition made him realise that although the M9 had a 9mm cartridge bullet, a single shot at any vital organ is fatal enough.

"You gentleman!" Said the masked man with a smile.

"Please! Please don't! I beg for my life I Will give you whatever you ask for; have mercy!" Cried a man beside Sam who was tied.

The masked man seemed to have no mercy he lifted up the gun, aimed for the heart and bang! There was a loud sound and that man's neck loosened low, There was blood all over his body. Sam had never witnessed a murder and he could feel sweat all over his body.
"Aha..!" Exclaimed the masked man
And reloaded for another shot. Sam could swear that the man had an evil look at him for a moment, but then he turned to the next person tied. Surprisingly, although covered in sweat, the other man didn't hesitate a bit instead he had a threatening tone,

"You people will regret; You'll die a painful death, you have my word and my curse." The man said in a shivering yet courageous tone.


Another bullet left the gun and there were two dead bodies now. Sam started his prayers knowing his end was near soon.
"Don't worry young man you have got time," the masked man said and laughed. As the masked man left the room, Sam was left alone with two dead bodies. He was really frightened; he shouted for help, but no voice was heard. It seemed that the masked man had gone away. Sam's shoulder began to ache as he moved sideways in an attempt to loosen the hold. After few minutes of hitting his hands, while rubbing the rope with the pole, he felt some success. He started rubbing the rope with more frequency. Eventually, he felt that the rope had loosened up and he knew if everything went fine he would be free of this capture. This little hope made his heart skip few beats. Although his hands had turned red, his body was wet with sweat, he had multiple cuts all over his body but he had this one hope of escape. After lots of attempts in trying to pull hard so as to either cut the rope or to pull off the pole, he finally got free of the rope. By placing his legs on the rope he freed his hands. His whole body had begun to ache by now. He felt himself lose consciousness. Somehow, he managed to reach for the gate. With all his might he kicked and open the door. In front of him was a large garage with random rough spray paintings all over, tools scattered on the ground and a bike, not a costly one, just a motobécane stood there.
There was a small gate at the end of the garage. Sam walked till there, although it seemed that he would faint anytime. As soon as he opened the gate he knew exactly where he was.
The street was near to his work place, but it was usually empty and quiet. Unconstructed building lay there since ages. The garage too seemed abandoned from outside.

'Perfect spot for murder' thought Sam. He managed to walk till the main road. To his luck, a taxi stood there unbooked. Sam immediately waved at the taxi and the taxi came towards him. "Hurry up! take me to the hospital," Sam said stammering. The driver got out of the cab and helped him in. Then he straight away rode towards the hospital. The driver had remained silent throughout except that he once asked how he got those injuries. Sam just replied it was a small fight and he ignored.

The loud sound of gun and the dead bodies where clear in his mind. He was still shivering and had not come out of the trauma of the incident that had just occurred; he didn't know what to do next. He wondered whether those masked men would follow him or they might even kill him. This sent chills down his spines. He frequently turned back and looked if anyone followed him and planned on going to the police and not speaking about this to anyone. Even his phone had broken down in the incident.

Hey there everyone!
This is the first ever story I am writing! Feel free to Share your views in the comments.

Editing credits: ZebaAlmas

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