Mission Complicated

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Location: Germany, Berlin.

A dim lighted dark room.

A dim light illuminated the face of a woman who seems to be in her early 20's.  

"I really have no idea what to do," said the woman. There were tears in her eyes, and she stammered as she spoke.

"Don't worry Emilia, I have thought of the perfect plan for you. You have always been my good friend and so we are taking revenge and I will help you with that," a voice said from the dark room.
The voice was of a woman who seemed to be speaking in a hurried tone.

"Please help me, Tresia, I have lost my parents and my brother and I am so helpless, I can't revenge for them," Emilia cried in a soft yet a really concerned face.

"We will take revenge Emilia. and for that we will form a secret group. I know good people who can join and be of help to us. This group will track down members of 'Osore' and kill them. We can take revenge and no one will ever get to know," Tresia said.

"I will do whatever it takes to make the plan work but Tresia it isn't as easy as it seems to be," Emilia said, now wiping her tears, in a courageous tone.

Tresia's face was not visible but her feet was, tapping the ground as if she was thinking something.

"Emilia, according to all the researches you have done since last year after your brother's death: 'Osore' is a Gang of 6 members and  they killed your parents because of a land dispute and your brother because he had information that could lead to them. You found all the research papers of your brother and continued the Quest to revenge. Now all you need is support and so you called me here in Berlin. If I have all my points correct, then I guess with the help of few people we can revenge on your parents death," Tresia said in a clear and slow tone, this time making all her points clear.

"Okay! If that is it then I am in! A secret group led by you, and I will provide all the information I have," Emilia said, clearing her throat.

"So here is my plan: 'Osore' have their headquarters in Paris and we will track all 6 people with the help of phone numbers we have. After that, my friends will keep an eye on them, note their routine, and somehow trap them. We will have to kill few people here if they hesitate or try to escape," Tresia said sounding dangerous and with a manly voice.

"You think this is easy, killing people and destroying a gang?" asked Emilia, a bit frustrated at Tresia's big plans.

"I have it all in my mind, I just need one more day, tomorrow I will send you all my plans via mail, " Tresia's voice was heard from the dark.

"Thanks!" Emilia exclaimed; a bright smile on her face, "I would totally owe to you if this plan worked!"

The woman in the dark seemed to get up from her chair and move away, "You are welcome Emilia! As a friend, helping you was my duty," Tresia said.

She had her back turned and her light brown hair was visible in the dark. Emilia stood up and started moving. The door closed behind her and she went away.

The next day, Emilia scanned the papers in her mail. She was really satisfied after reading the plan in the paper. It had following things mentioned:

This group will be known as BlatharComrades.

1) Fredrick Benjo: A sharp shooter experienced killer works for the justice gang: Europes number one secret Association promoting justice by killing criminals. he is a friend of mine

2) Peter : Will help to Spy

3) Henry : Will Help to Spy

4) Grayson Allen: He has the ability to make anyone work according to his wish he would be of help and he would spy on two of the people from 'Osore'

I am going to Paris tonight and I have held a meeting of these four people we will discuss further plans and track down the six people

Note: we still need one more person and I will tell you when I find a suitable candidate.

Leader: Tresia Vopha
Asst. Leader: Emilia Hudson


A/N: Thank you all for Reading till here and Finally 100 reads completed :) Do vote down because that gives a great motivation.

In the next part:

Part 1 continues and Sam goes in search of Sophia at midnight. On the way he sees something which totally shocks him his breath stuck in his throat. He can't turn back.
What is the thing blocking his way?
Will Sam survive?

Coming soon!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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