Chapter 6

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Hey guys hope you enjoy my update I have an iPod now so I should be able to update more!

I'm just sitting in the car with sleeping toddlers and lots of silence and just old 80s and 90s music, it's heaven.

Anywaysss Comment and vote!

Thanks for reading and enjoy 👍🏻


I woke up the next morning yawning and hearing shushed and whispering voices, I groaned softly and turned into Someone's side who I assumed was Shannon, I was starting to wake up more when I heard voices speak up,

"I wonder when they are going to notice we got into their house." I heard a British female accent say,

"We also need to talk about them hiding their spare key better, I mean we could be burglars coming to murder them in their house right now." Said another female voice

"Ally!- fair point." Said another voice (I'm gonna let you think on your opinion of who that was😂)

I jumped up at their words and as soon as they finished their sentence and screamed they jumped and screamed back in fear until Cammie and Shannon jumped awake startled and wide eyed but as soon as they saw who they were they relaxed while I cowered into Shannon's side,

"Guys I thought you were gonna call us." Mumbled Cammie with a morning voice and my fear immediately turned into confusion,

"C-cam cam who are they?" I asked in a small voice and they all looked at me in awe I looked at Cammie who smiled and Shannon laughed a little, Shannon rubbed my back and pulled me onto her lap stroking my messy bed head hair that was basically all over the place.

"Maxy, meet your Aunt Ally, Aunt Rosie, Aunt Rose, and Aunt Stevie." Said Shannon in the same morning voice as Cammie as she pointed to each of them and I smiled shyly and waved at them before cuddling back into Shannon while yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"Oh my god guys you're kid is even cuter in person!" Said Ally and all of the others nodded and smiled in agreement,

"Since you guys are already here, do you want to get some breakfast?" Asked Shannon and Everyone nodded and decided to get Starbucks since it was simple and literally right across the street.

We all got ready and I went into a bathroom and put on a simple outfit for the morning still tired and trying to wake up.

I tried to find some clothes but that sweatshirt was the only one I had, fuck.

I walked out in the same sweatshirt and walked up to Shannon whispering her name "shanny?" I asked quietly and she crouched down to my height as Cammie smiled at us and Shannon nodded at her telling her it was ok and she nodded and went back to her conversation with Rosie and the others,

"What is it babygirl?" Asked Shannon rubbing my back and I shakily asked her, my voice shaking afraid of them getting angry.

"C-can I borrow a-a s-sweatshirt?" I asked in fear of getting hit and shielded my face bracing myself for the slap but it never came, I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I jumped back.

"I-I'm sorry I'm sorry! Don't hurt me please! I promise I'll never do it again!" I said in fear and everyone stopped their conversation and looked at my scared figure in concern.

"Hey hey maxy? I'm not going to hurt you I promise babygirl." Said Shannon softly and my lip quivered and I tried to hold in my tears but that only resulted in a chocked sob and me croaking our another soft "I'm sorry" before Shannon picked me up and took my crying figure out of the room and as soon as we went into Shannon's room I broke down starting to hyperventilate, "i'm s-sorry!"

"Shhh maxy, you didn't do anything wrong honey I promise you're not in trouble and we would never hurt you." I tried to calm down but my breathing was still uneven, Shannon just shushed me and stood up rocking me in her arms and tracing imaginary shapes on my back and hips.

I started to calm down and after a few minutes of Shannon just holding me, she stood up and went to her dresser and grabbed a sweatshirt,

"Here maxy come on babygirl go get dressed ok? After we will go out to breakfast and maybe shop for some new clothes, how does that sound monkey?" She asked softly and I nodded and she smiled at me before gently putting me down and telling me to go get dressed I nodded and went inside the bathroom.

Shannons sweatshirt was a lot longer and bigger than my smaller frame but all I could see was the fatness making me deeply sigh and put my pants on, wincing slightly at my pain still.

I walked out greeting them shyly and they smiled and immediately greeted me back,

"Ok, we ready to go?" Shannon said along with Cammie following shortly behind her both of them wearing casual outfits.

"Ok, we ready to go?" Shannon said along with Cammie following shortly behind her both of them wearing casual outfits

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I wished I was as beautiful as my new aunts and moms, literally they were the definition of perfect and I was just, me

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I wished I was as beautiful as my new aunts and moms, literally they were the definition of perfect and I was just, me.

We walked out of the house together and went into cars together it was me, Shannon, Cammie and ally, in one car and Stevie, rose, and Rosie in the other.

Fuck how am I going to not eat now? It is already enough pressure for Shannon and Cammie not to find out but now there's a possibility of the others finding out making this 10x harder than originally.

Today is just not my day.


Hope y'all liked the chapter!

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Thanks for reading!

Word count: 975

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