Happy Birthday - Yuwin [nct] (lovely)

530 14 72

Top: Yuta
Bottom: Winwin


Yuta awoken from his slumber with a big smile on his face and sleep in his eyes. It was his birthday today and who wouldn't be happy on their birthday. Plus he got to celebrate it with his beloved Winwinie even though his birthday was in acouple of days.

After hopping out of his bed and doing some small stretches to wake his body up he headed to the small bathroom outside his room.

"Happy Birthday Yuta!" one of his members said from beside him and engulfed him in a tight embrace. He looked down and saw brown shaggy hair. "Thanks Donghyuck" he smiled and ruffled the boys hair.

"You can have the shower first since it's your birthday" Donghyuck let go of the birthday boy and stepped inside his own room. Probably trying to find the clothes he was going to wear before they got styled up.

Yuta was greatful that today was his birthday because any other day he would be fighting with the other boys for the bathroom. And everyone knew that if it was your birthday you got the bathroom first no questions obliged.

He happily went into the bathroom, towel over his shoulder, and his bathroom necessities in his hands.
After taking a long warm shower he got out, washed his face and brushed his teeth. There was a small knock on the door after he finished brushing his teeth so he wrapped the towel around his waist and cracked open the door.

There stood a skinny boy looking down at his feet. "Oh hey Sicheng, What's up?" The mountain man asked. Sicheng looked up for a second and then looked back down at his feet. Yuta could swear that he saw a faint blush on hos cheeks and that made Yuta gleam with happiness "Taeyong-hyung said when your done come to the kitchen he made you breakfast" and with that the younger boy turned on his heals and walked down the corridor.

"Okay thanks" Yuta said under his breath because Sicheng had already walked away before he could respond. The birthday boy tightened his grip on his towel and exited the bathroom heading to his room.

After rummaging through his drawer and finding some decent clothes to wear he left the confinement of his room and walked towards the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Youuu, Happy birthday dear Yutaaaa, happy birthday to you" everyone sang as Yuta entered the kitchen. All the members were genuinely happy today and Yuta couldn't ask for nothing more.

Taeyong came up to him and hugged him followed by Jaehyun and Johnny. "Happy Birthday my boy" Johnny said tapping the younger boys shoulder. "Thanks man"

"Oh so for the schedule today" Taeyong spoke up drawing everyone's attention. "We have to go to music bank for a preformance then I think after that we are going to do a v-live for Yuta and Winwin's birthday since they are so close together." Yuta nodded his head agreeing to todays schedule.

"So eat and then get ready for the ones that haven't yet, we are heading out in 20" Taeyong yelled and then ran to his room to get in the shower next.

Yuta sat down next to Sicheng after making his plate and started to eat. "Happy birthday hyung" a soft voice could be heard next to him. Yuta looked over and smiled at the shy boy next to him "happy belated birthday to you too Winwinie" yuta leaned in sneakily and pecked the boy's cheek.

Sicheng coughed loudly and stood up from his chair. With a wild blush across his face he picked up his half empty plate from the table and walked towards the sink, while he was doing this Yuta sat there trying to hold in his laugh at the boy's reaction to a mere peck on the cheek.

After he finished his plate he got up and put it in the sink for someone else to clean. Then he sat down on the cough as he waited for everyone else to finish getting ready.

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