Late one night

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I was coming home late one night; I decided to take a stroll around the city to clear my head. I came across the same dark and dim lit alleyway I always take as a shortcut to my apartment building. The alleyway had two tall, black lamps; one with a broken glass covering, the other with graffiti tags all along the pole. The buildings enclosing the narrow alley were made of diminishing brick and had gang signs and other uninviting graffiti along it, the windows were tinted a light brown from years of improper cleaning, some were even broken and boarded up with wooden slabs. Dumpsters riddled the filthy backstreet covering it with foulsmelling trash and black garbage bags containing unknown substances. The poorly laid black concrete flooring is covered in puddles of undisclosed liquid. This place may be creepy to others at first glance, but I was used to it.

As I was walking, I felt a strange feeling in my gut. I ignored it for a little while, but it kept coming up again. I turned my head to look over my shoulder and noticed a person with a black hoodie and sweatpants to match. The hooded figure was way larger than me, they looked about 6'4" and 204 pounds. An uneasy feeling swept over me as the person started to walk faster, picking up speed with each stride. I began to run but I seems I wasn't fast enough when I looked over my shoulder again and noticed he was right on my tail. Soon enough I was pushed onto the ground, with my back uncomfortably leading against the dirty brick wall. I felt a hard metal object hit me across the face, but before I was knocked unconscious I noticed the person's face. He had white skin, dark brown eyes, short unkempt black hair, a chiseled jawline, and a creepy and frightful smile; stretching ear to ear.

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