Abandoned Warehouse

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Picture of Ryan
"Ughhh... my head." I moaned as I gained consciousness.

I looked around trying to find out where I was. I realized I was in a room, the room had one small lantern in the far corner, wallpaper peeling off the wall and flaking on to the floor, the floor was covered in dirt and black, dried on substances, large concrete pillars held up the roof, chipping away in some areas, and a large, wide metal door placed in between the pillars. Chains were hanging from the walls and coiled on the floor. The room smelled of decaying organisms and rat feces. This room was worse than the alleyway. I try to move my legs but I then realize that chains are preventing me from doing so. I hear chains rattle beside me, but it was so dark I didn't know what direction it came from.

"H-Hello? Who's there?" I asked hoping for a reply, so that I at least wouldn't be alone in this dreadful place.

"Hi." A voice croaked. It was a male's voice; his voice was soft and scared. He probably is in the same predicament as me.

"Oh. Where are we?" I asked nervously, hoping I could trust whoever this was.

"We're in a warehouse, and I know what you're going to ask,'why are we here, how long have I been out, and who brought us here?' and the answers are I don't know why we are here, you have been unconscious for probably 2 hours, and Henry brought us here." He said, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"Ok, well here is a fourth question for you, what is your name?" I curiously asked.

" My name is Jacob, yours?" He asked waiting for me to input my name.

"Ryan." I stated. Still interested in why the man I now know to be Henry kidnapped us.

Just then the large metal doors opened to reveal the same man from the alleyway; Henry. But, this time he had chains wrapped in his left hand and a lantern in his right.

"Hello, my little friends, how are we doing this lovely hour?" He asked, his voice laced with hatred and evil.

"Horrible, and I'm not your friend." I stated with a raised voice.

"Excuse me?" Henry said with anger seeping out of his gritted teeth.

"Stop talking." Jacob said in a fearful voice. Obviously nervous for what's about to come.

Next thing I know two bright lamps are turned on, the ones you would see one a movie set, pointing towards me and Jacob. Henry walks over to me with the chain now wrapped in his right hand and some of the chain draped over his shoulder; the lantern is now nowhere in sight. Henry pulls the chain off his shoulder and as he does this he swings his arm down, hitting my legs. I scream out in pain, the sound echoing off the walls and back into my ears. Henry smiles that same creepy smile from the alley as he does this, repeating the same action over and over again. One, two, three, four, five, every time he does this its in a different spot each time. Each hit just gets more and more painful.

Then all of a sudden he stops, but not before smacking me in the face with it. He then goes behind one of the lamps and grabs a bat. He walks over to Jacob and lifts him up by his hair, and tells him that he is not allowed to sit back down until he is finished. Henry gets in a batter's position, like he's a professional baseball player, and repeatedly swings the bat hard into Jacob's gut, all while I'm on the ground covered in my own blood. Jacob cries out in excruciating pain as the bat hits him hard in the stomach. Every hit makes Jacob lean further and further down clutching his gut. When Henry finally finishes, he takes the bat and the chains with him as he leaves through the large metal doors, not bothering to turn off the lamps, only dimming them. Finally, Jacob falls to the floor.

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