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Picture of Jacob
"Are you okay? Do you need any help?" I asked Jacob, fearful that something bad has happened because he wasn't moving.

"I'm fine, he does this everyday, so I'm use to it." He said in a shaky voice.

I finally got a good look at Jacob, he had short messy brown hair, a thin stature, light and inviting blue eyes, a cute button nose, and thin pink lips. I guess I was staring too long cause he started to blush a deep red color. He then started to stare at me, looking directly into my blue-ish green eyes. I couldn't help but find him...cute? I unconsciously leaned in and kissed him on the lips, they were soft and warm. I couldn't help but lean into the kiss wanting more and more. Once I realized what I was doing I flung myself back, surprised and what I had just done.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to-" Was all I was able to get out before I felt the same pair of lips on me as before.

This time I leaned in, falling on top of the small male. Engulfing myself in Jacob's soft lips. I wrapped my hands around his waist, careful not to put my full weight on his stomach. He placed his arms around my neck tightly, not wanting to let go. Our legs entangled with each others, mine on the inside, his on the outside. I start to rub one of my legs on the inside of his thigh, to arouse even him more. We continued to do this until our shirts were on the floor and all that was left was our pants.

The next day I woke up with Jacob laying his head on my lap with my shirt draped over his fragile body for warmth. I look down at Jacob and see how peaceful he looks sleeping, he looks so...happy and comfortable. I HAVE to find a way out of here, this is no place for a sweet and fragile boy like Jacob. I look around the room and found some broken off pieces of chain. I reach over, careful not to wake up Jacob and pick them up one by one. There are ten big pieces and six smaller pieces, 'Great' I say to myself. I then throw the pieces one by one at the metal door, hopefully someone will hear it and investigate. Then I realized that this is a warehouse, there could be hundreds of rooms to look through. I look around again and notice our ticket out of here.

A large shard of metal. I reach over again to pick it up and I grab the chain around Jacobs' leg. If I can get it to cut through, at least Jacob can go find help. I slowly start to file the chain with the metal shard, going back and forth, back and forth. Since the chain was quite weared down already, it took me about 30 minutes to get it completely broken off. Jacob soon woke up due to all of the metal clanking and scraping. When he saw the broken chain he looked at me with a huge grin on his face and pecked my lips. Just then the metal doors opened revealing a upset Henry. I quickly and quietly hid Jacob's chain and make sure its out of view. Henry then comes closer and drops a slimy and rotten smelling soup in front of us.

"Eat or starve." He said in a annoyed voice and walked away, leaving us in complete silence.

Jacob then reached for one of the bowls and brought it up to his mouth, he took a sip of the foul smelling liquid then immediately spit it out. I just avoided the soup completely and threw the bowl across the room at the door. I then grabbed the metal shard and continued to file the chain on my legs. Then, right before I could finish the metal shard broke I flipped it to use the other side of the shard be it turned out to be too dull, it wouldn't file. Since there was only a little metal attaching the chains I tried to bend it back and forth to break the chain completely. I finally got it to break. Thank God I took those muscular endurance classes in school, or I would've never broken through those chains. I stood up and helped Jacob up.

"Look around the room and see if you can find something to help us get out of here." I told Jacob.

"Okay, I'll look over here." He said pointing to the left.

We went in separate directions and looked for something to get us out. As I was walking along the wall I realized there was a window I've never seen before.

"Jacob! Look, a window!" I stated with excitement. As he made his way over here.

"Come over here, quickly, we don't have much time." He started to walk a little faster over to me. He couldn't run due to the lingering pain from yesterday.

"Give me something to break it with." I told him, eager to get out of this place.

" How about this chain?" He stated, unsure if I would say yes.

"Yeah! Bring that over!" I said in a loud but also hushed voice, careful not to alarm Henry.

I took the chain from Jacob and wrapped it around my hand. I started to repeatedly hit the window with it until it broke. I hoisted Jacob onto my shoulders, he cleared the broken shards of glass before jumping through the window.

"I landed on a dumpster!" He yelled through the window.

"Great! look for a crate I can step on to pull myself through!" I yelled back.

Just then the metal door creaked open and in walked in the devil himself, Henry. He noticed the broken window and that Jacob was gone. He started to run towards me but I held the chain tighter in my hand. Once he we close enough I swung the chain across his face and knocked one of his teeth out. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a knife and stabbed me right into my leg. The knife had a serrated edge so it barbed into my flesh. I screamed out in agonizing pain and grabbed my leg as I fell to the floor. Henry pulled the knife out of my leg and the chain out of my hand. He then stabbed me with the knife over and over again in to my leg, then my arms, and lastly one in to my gut. He then proceeded to tie me up by my hands and legs, so that I was dangling from the wall. I felt like a bloody mess, I probably looked like one too. Twenty minutes passed, then thirty, I just hung there, wondering about what happened to Jacob. Then I heard sirens; police sirens. I was so happy I started to cry. Police stormed into the building, I could hear them opening and closing doors, calling my name.

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