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"The beginning"*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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"The beginning"


I wish I never had to move. I wish, that years ago, my eomma didn't meet another man after being divorced years ago. I wish I didn't have to deal with moving to another country, also away from my appa. I wish I could stay with yugyeom, kunpimook, Jaehyun and mingyu. I wish alot of things didn't happen.

But the worst is, I sometimes wish my eomma never met choi Minho.

But that was only the start of my ungranted wishes.

another wish, was to not be heading to the airport at the moment. It was cold here in France.

I've visited Korea before and hated it even tho if I was born there but at the moment I didn't care, it was hot there and so many girls are flirts and try to show off in front of any human a penis.
unless they're showing off for any human with a vagina. Or just genitals in general. If you know what I'm saying.

The good thing is they have a perfect view and sometimes okay weather.


Just like it depends how my fucking mood is from day to day.

currently, I'm so mad. I can't speak. something rude would slip. or I could break and punch something/someone.

I have so many urges to hit something.

I dig my nails into my hand, the only option I have.

as a result, my hands turned white around my fingernails while the marks turn purple after I release. I accidentally tore some skin off.

I'm so deep into getting rid of my anger that I didn't realize we had arrived.

He opened the door for me and I looked up from my marks, taking my anger out on myself only worked for a while, because seeing this airport made me more angry.

I cursed to myself. I couldn't wait to sleep on this stupid flight.

I was alone, for I was meeting my mother since she already moved to Korea five years ago. Just great, right?


I was just so upset I was tired of it. I walked into the airports sliding doors and checked myself in neutrally, not showing any emotions.

I didn't have any luggage besides my Louis Vuitton carry on, because it had already sent to Korea so I wouldn't have to worry myself out.

Me and my carry on trudged to gage 32. The seating was packed- no available seats.

People ridiculously took up seats with their fucking carry ons.

I shook my head as I remembered being angry would only lead to more troubles, so I headed to a nearby cafe to pick up a coffee for a caffeine.

I wasn't even thinking when I bought it. The whole point was to sleep on the plane so I wouldn't have to think more about moving.

After paying, I stood near the end of the counter where I would pick up my coffee. I noticed a small boy wondering around, wondering to myself why someone so young should be alone at an airport.

I realized I probably was only a good couple of years older, so who was I to speak.

My thoughts were once again interrupted when I heard my name called from the counter.

I nodded a thank you and walked over to a wall and leaned against it, sipping my coffee, bored and waiting for the gate to open.

The gate opened at 6:42, and I was in a boarding group II. We boarded in silence, for it being so early.

I walked into the ways down to the small platform that you stepped on, officially boarding the plane.

almost as if saying 'no turning back now! ha-ha!" I hated it just as much as my mother meeting a new partner.

The flight attended checking tickets to show matching seats was already watching my glum face as I approached her.

"Jeon Jeongguk?" she questioned. I wanted to say, "no I'm fucking Obama. What else, dumbass?"

Instead, I replied, "yes. That's me," casually.

"you'll go first class, then walk down the right side of center section and your seat will be the fifth row down. you have a window seat," she said calmly. I was pretty sure I could've figured it out myself, but who i was kidding. It was a lot easier being explained to.

I walked through first class looking as if I was a hobo. It was almost embarrassing but I was so annoyed again that I didn't even care.

I was heading down the right side of the center when I realized I wasn't annoyed anymore. I was peppy. The caffeine. Fuck.

I was really a fucking idiot.

It was just about ten minutes ago I had my first sip after retrieving my drink. That was just enough time for it to kick in...

I was supposed to be annoyed but I just couldn't my mind was almost excited, but not quite yet.

I went down four more rows and found my seat, 15A.

I sat myself down, pulling out my charger and plugging my phone in. I opened a chat with my mother.

Just boarded. should be off in twenty.

mama jeon
sounds great hun. miss ya. see ya soon xx

It's a drag, I was bored so I accidentally got coffee. Hoped for sleep, obviously won't get it for a well bit. hope you aren't angry...

mama jeon
ha-ha! Hilarious. not mad, however wish I could see your first time.

Jeongguk chuckled as he misinterpreted his eomma's message. he was about to type a reply when he heard a cough.

He looked up.

It was the boy.

the young, wondering boy.

First chapter of this new book!
part two comin' soon!

@ -flinches

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