Episode 1

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A/N: hey guys, in this fanfic you're the son of Yugi Muto and you use a Dark Magician deck. You use Kaiba's duel disk while everyone else uses the Duel disk that Yugi used in the movie. In the story the characters from the show will be in including as my OCs for Joey's child and Kaiba's child. The child of Seto uses Kaiba's duel disk.

Don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Konami owns it I just own my OCs

Anyway let's get onto the episode


~~Y/N's POV~~ 

I looked out of the window of Kaiba's helicopter. Me, my dad Yugi Muto and Sophie and her dad Seto were in the helicopter on our way to Kaiba Land which is the location of the Duel Academy Entrance exam. "Are you two sure you wouldn't like for me to put you two in myself?" Seto asked me and Sophie, "Dad, we're fine we have no doubt that we can get in" Sophie replied and I said "besides, we think it'll be best if we get in with our skill." Seto let out a sigh knowing there was no chance changing our minds, "fine, but since you both want too and you both are highly skilled I guess I'll give these to the both of you." Seto took out a metal briefcase and opened it revealing two of the newer duel disks and duel gazers. "Thanks Seto" I said as I put the duel disk and duel gazer on. When I turned on the duel gazer it scanned my brain and i could see every card in my deck, and then I noticed my side deck, it had the cards I had in it and some cards I remember from watching my dad dueling against seto. 'Wait, is that?' I was pulled out of my thoughts as the helicopter landing. I turned off my duel gazer and stepped out of the copter with Sophie. "Good luck Y/N and Sophie!" My dad said as I waved back and walked towards the entrance. Me and Sophie quickly signed in and walked through the entrance. We stood against the wall and watched some of the duels that were happening. As we were watching I looked down at the pendant that was around my neck. I was like the Millennium Puzzle that my father used to wear but smaller.

When I looked back up I heard my name being called to duel arena 6 and Sophie to arena 5. "Well I guess this is it, good luck Sophie" I said as we walked down to our respective duel arenas. When I stepped in I saw the person I was dueling. He had blonde hair that went into a ponytail that went down pretty far and in a blue coat with a fancy duel disk that went over his chest and was shaped as a guitar. "My name is Doctor Vellian Crowler and I'll be your dueling instructor for today, mr. Muto if that is even your real last name" he said as he adjusted his duel disk "oh I assure you that is my real name and if you want me to prove it to you in a duel I will" I said as I activated my duel disk and drew my starting hand (Y/N's LP:8000) (Dr.Crowlers LP:8000). "Very well young man, you first" dr. Crowler said as his duel vest gave him his starting hand. "Very well I draw." I looked at my hand "I'll start by summoning Skilled Dark Magician" (atk:1900 def:1700) "now I activate the spell gold sarcophagus!" I played the card and a golden sarcophagus appeared behind me. "I banish one card from my deck and I'll get it until my second turn of it's activation and since I played it while my Skilled Dark Magician is on the field he gains a spell counter" one of the orbs on skilled dark magician started to glow. "I set a card and end my turn. "My turn I draw." Dr. Crowler said as his duel vest gave him a card. "I'll start by setting two cards and activating heavy storm destroying all of our spell and traps" a giant tornado appeared and flipped up my dark horizon trap and Crowler's two statue of the wicked traps giving him two wicked fiend tokens and giving my Skilled Dark Magician another spell counter. "Now I shall tribute my tokens for my Ancient Gear golem! Arise my golem!" Crowler's golem rose up and towered over my spellcaster. "Now Ancient Gear Golem Attack the Skilled Dark Magician with mechanized Melee!" The golem reared back its fist and launched its fist at my Magician, shattering it and pushing me back abit. (Y/N's LP:6900) "your move" dr. Crowler said. "Alright I draw" I looked at the card I drew 'kuriboh, let's hope this works' "I set one card and end my turn" dr. Crowler drew "you really want to lose that badly, very well, Ancient Gear Golem Attack!" Dr. Crowler's golem preparer for its next attack. "I don't think so! I activate Kuriboh from my hand to block any damage that I would take!" Kuriboh appeared in front of me and blocked the golem's punch. "Very well young lad I guess you got yourself another turn." I drew my next card "very well, I'll start by activating my facedown Magicians navigation! I get to special summon a Dark Magician from my hand and a Dark Spellcaster from my deck, so come forth Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl!" The two magicians appeared out of a hole and stood ready to battle (Dark Magician atk:2500 def:2100) (Dark Magician Girl atk:2000 def:1700) when both of my magicians came out I heard the distinctive roar of Sophie's three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. "Now young lad you made one mistake, your monsters can't scratch my monster" dr. Crowler said obviously disappointed "oh I'm not finished, I activate the effect of my apprentice illusion Magician, by discarding a card I get to special summon her so come forth!" My other Magician came out and twirled her wand (Apprentice Illusion Magician atk:2000 def:1700) "and when she's summoned I get to add Dark Magician to my hand, now I activate my spell Dark Magic Veil! By giving up 1000 life points I get to summon my second Dark Magician!" (Y/N's LP:5900) My second Magician came out and stood with my other spellcasters. "Next I'll activate thousand knives to send your golem to the scrapyard!" A thousand knives appeared and launched themselves at the golem blowing it up. "Now Crowler prepare for battle! First off dark magician girl and apprentice Illusion Magician Attack crowler directly!" My Magician girl's launched their attacks at crowler (Dr. Crowler's LP:6000) "now one of my Dark Magicians Attack directly!" One of the magicians launched their attacks at Crowler throwing him back a bit. (Dr. Crowler's LP:3500) "well no matter what you do I'll still survive your other Magician's attack!" I chuckled a bit at his statement "I beg to differ, Dark Magician Attack him directly with Dark Magic Attack! But i'll activate the second effect of Apprentice Illusion Magician effect, by tributing her she gives my Magician an extra 2000 attack and defense points!" Apprentice Illusion Magician transferred her attack points and soul to my attacking dark magician (Dark Magician atk:4500 def:4100) Dr. Crowler visibly started to panic and said "w-wait! Hold up!" But it was too late. My Magician already launched his attack at him pushing Crowler to the ground knocking his life points to zero.

I deactivated my duel gazer and walked out of the arena I dueled in and not long after Sophie came out of the one she was in. "I'm guessing by the sound of the three Blue-eyes' roars that you won?" I asked "yep! It was actually pretty easy..." she replied looking back at the arena. "Oh well, looks like we still have time to kill before your dad picks us back up, want to go hang out at a café?" I asked visibly surprising her "s-sure! Let's go!"she said grabbing my arm and going to the exit. Once we got to the exit a girl with somewhat messy kuriboh like hair came running out "sorry, excuse me!" It didn't really bother Sophie as she kept walking towards the cafe near Kaiba Land.


A/N: well that was harder than I thought... anyway be prepared for a next episode soon! 

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