Episode 5

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~~Y/N's POV~~

I was sitting down in class thinking about what happened last night.

~~Flashback: Last Night~~

Y/N: what? How do you know my name!?

???: let me shed some light onto this

The man turned on the light illuminating the room revealing it to be none other than the CEO of Kaiba Corp. and my dad's rival, Seto Kaiba.

Y/N: oh... it's you, I thought you were another one of the mysterious guys...

Seto: hm? What did he look like?

Y/N: dunno he wore black robes and didn't say his name

Seto: this is worse than I thought...

Y/N: what is? What's worse than you thought?

Seto: I don't have time to explain that, I'll let chancellor Shepard know something is up and he'll know what to do, anyway I have something from your father

Seto proceeded to pull out a small envelope out of his pocket.

Y/N: hm? From my father?

Seto: before I go I need you to promise me something

Y/N: alright.

Seto: protect Sophie, she's headstrong and reckless kinda like me. But she only wants to protect her friends like her mom.

Y/N: ok, I'll do my best to keep her out of trouble

Seto smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

Seto: thank you Y/N. Also good luck with all your girlfriends

With that he left me in my room all alone a blushing mess.

Y/N: w-what?

After calming down I opened the package to reveal a smaller version of my dad's millennium puzzle on a necklace chain. Putting the necklace on I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

~~Flashback finish~~

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Professor Banner calling out a few names

Prof. Banner: Adrian Muto, Sophie Kaiba, Ivy Wheeler, Judai Yuki, Chaz Princeton, and Alexis Rhodes. Chancellor Shepherd would like a word with the six of you.

All of us walked down the hall to Shepherd's room and at the door we're met with Zane and Dr. Crowler.

Dr. Crowler: what are two Slifer Reds doing here?

Ivy: we were called here as well

Dr. Crowler: WHY!? I was told the best would be here

Judai: well me and Ivy deserve to be here

Ivy: yeah! We both defeated you!

Dr. Crowler, seeing that he was beat backed off and mumbled something about "teaching those slackers their place" or something

Zane: well without anymore delays we should see what the Chancellor wanted to speak to us about.

Y/N: yeah, it's rude to keep the guy waiting

We entered the room and stood in front of Shepard's desk.

Sophie: hey Shepard, are we in any trouble

Chancellor Shepard: you mean besides going to the abandoned dorms? Don't worry there were three obelisk students so there's nothing to worry about.

Y/N: then... why are we here? I mean it's got to be important for you to pull us out of class.

Shepard: it is Y/N, you all know of the Egyptian Gods right? Well what Pegasus did was to make three cards that rivaled their power. They're called Wicked Gods.

Y/N: wicked gods?

Ivy: I don't like the sound of that

Shepard: like the Egyptian Gods there were only one copy of each entrusted to someone to hide but a few days ago we got some info saying that they were all stolen.

Alexis: stolen!?

Shepard: yes. But the thing is, the only thing that can defeat a Wicked God is the Egyptian Gods themselves but since when Atem left this world the Egyptian left as well.

Sophie started chuckling causing all but me to look at her in confusion.

Sophie: that may be true but with my father's duel disk me and Y/N can bring them out

Everyone but Y/N: What!?

Y/N: it's true, the duel gazer is linked directly to our brain letting us be able to use cards we know. And since we know what the Egyptian Gods are in our brains we can use them.

Everyone looked at us in disbelief causing an awkward silence.

Y/N: can someone say something cause I think I saw a tumble weed blow by.

Shepard: well I'm entrusting you eight with these medallions. As long as you wear them the enemy can't launch a full scale attack, they can only send one person at a time.

Sophie: makes sense to have many rather than one. If one falls then there is still someone protecting them.

Shepard: exactly, now these guys have some sort of honor and won't take them unless you defeat them in a duel.

Chaz: hopefully they're honorable enough not to cheat.

Y/N: yeah, we don't want another Bandit Keith

Judai: uhh... who?

Ivy: back in Duelist Kingdom my dad dueled a guy named Bandit Keith in the finals and turns out he was cheating by hiding cards in his bracelets but was still defeated.

Shepard: we cant be sure about that, here are the medallions, you don't have to take it if you don't want to. It's a big burden that you don't need on your shoulders.

Chancellor Shepard pulled out an old antique looking box and opened it to reveal eight circular medallions with a small jewel in the center. We all took one especially Chaz who was somewhat reluctant.

A/N: sorry there wasn't a duel in this one it was more of an episode to set up some big parts of the plot but there will be a duel in the next one I promise

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