Episode 13

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~~Y/n's POV~~

I woke up and glanced at the clock and saw that it will be about 1 hour before the Duel Monsters Spirit Day started so I have some time to kill. I decided to work on a deck idea I had for a while. I quickly took a shower and put on some clothes but left my Obelisk Blue Jacket off and put on my duel gazer on and activated it and my duel disk and placed it on my lap as it opened up my Dark Magician deck. I selected the [New Deck] option as it opened up a new deck page. I started to work on the deck and after around 30 minutes I had the new deck built. I looked over it and nodded to myself before turning my duel disk and duel gazer off before slipping it off and placing them down on the desk next to my outfit for today. I took my school clothes off and put the new outfit on and looked in the mirror at my outfit.

 I took my school clothes off and put the new outfit on and looked in the mirror at my outfit

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(A/n: Just the outfit not the hair)

Gotta admit it did feel good, no wonder my dad used to wear these. Or at least an outfit similar to this. I put my duel disk and duel gazer on and went out of my dorm room and over to the Slifer Dorms. Once I got there I saw a bunch of students dressed up as either duel monsters or other famous duelists with the likes of Joey, Pegasus, and I think Espa Roba? I managed to find Sophie who was wearing an outfit similar to her father's. Trench coat and the bands on her upper arm. I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

Y/n: Kaiba.

Sophie: heh, Y/n.

Y/n: You look good.

Sophie: *Blushes* T-thanks you look good as well

Y/n: Thanks, I thought I would look weird in this but I guess not.

We saw Ivy who was dressed up as The Lord of the Red. And standing next to her were Yuuri and Serena. Yuuri was dressed up in an outfit that was similar to her Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Serena was dressed as her Lunalight Cat Dancer. We all met up with each other and were just hanging out. The whole time I was just wondering where Judai was. But I soon found where she was as she walked out of her dorm dressed up as one of her Elemental HERO Fusion monsters, Great Tornado just with the helmet or mask off.

Judai: Hey guys am I late?

Yuuri: Nope, you're just in time.

Judai: Hey where's Alexis? 

Sophie: She said that she would be a little late. We then saw everyone looking in one direction and some of the guys swooning over someone. We looked over to see a girl with long blonde hair in a Dark Magician Girl costume.

Judai: Is that?

Ivy: Alexis?

Sophie: Not unless she changed what she was going to do dress up as then that's not her.

The girl turned around to face us as I noticed that her face was an exact replica of Dark Magician Girl. Judai then pulled me a little bit away from the others as I swore I saw what looked like Judai's Winged Kuriboh monster.

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