Eye rolls and Fanatics

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I hated taking orders.


Guess what submissive wolves in a wolf packs did?

Take orders.

Now, it wasn't as bad as it sounds. Lucky for me there was some perks to being the Alpha's sister. I tended to get away with things other submissives couldn't.

For example, running away from the pack for a whole month and only getting a flick to the head. Who did my brother think he was? Itachi Uchiha or something? I rolled my eyes.

"You know people don't actually roll their eyes in real life. That's just a book thing." Alec said, causing me to jump out of my seat. We were currently on an airplane on our way to Alaska.

"Says who?" I sat up straight and turned to look at my brother. He had an elbow on the armchair of his seat, while holding up his chin with the palm of his hand. This was the Alpha of Alaska. It was rare to see him be so carefree like this. I guess I was just used to him looking presentable in public.

"One of my editors," He said flicking me in the forehead. I growled at him as I rubbed my forehead. That shit actually hurts.

"You write now?" I asked. shocked.

"What do you think?" Alec smirked and flicked me again.

I growled louder this time.

A teenager that was sitting at the far end of the row we were in, turned to look at me. She seemed surprised. Alec muttered something under his breath but I couldn't quite catch it because I was distracted by the look she was giving me. It was a mixture of excitement and awe.

"Oh. My. God." She exclaimed. Her light green eyes widened as she turned her body towards us.

I took a deep breath. Oh no. she was one of those.

"You guys are werewolves right?" She seemed as happy as a boy that had just discovered the secret stash of chocolates her mother hid from him.

"Uh," I did not know what to do. If I agreed I was in for an interrogation of my life. If I said No...

"No..." I said trailing off.

"But... I just heard you growl! Oh-em-gee I have always wanted to meet a werewolf! Do You know Chanelle Wise? She is my favorite werewolf of all time! She has one of the best fashion trends out there... I would do anything to meet her... My mom says I should stay away from werewolves because she thinks they are unholy, but you know what? I think she is just crazy..." She kept talking but I tuned her out.

People around the plane had started to look at us. It wasn't that werewolves were a secret. They knew we existed, but we tended to blend in so well with the humans that they didn't notice us. We were kind of seen like aliens when they did see us. Don't get me wrong, It took a long time to get to where we are now. Wars had gone down before my time. But somewhere along the way, humans made peace with us and we were able to integrate ourselves into "their" world.

Some hated us, some loved us, others didn't care.

Unfortunately for us, we had just run into a werewolf fanatic.

"So what's the name of your wolf pack?"

"Name of my pack?"I asked confused

"Yeah! Don't you guys name your packs like... Shadow moon pack or Bloody Moon paw?"

I looked at her baffled. We didn't name our packs... what the hell? were we a football team or something?

"Uh yeah... we are the Frosted Moon Flakes," I said holding in a snicker. Alec kicked my foot. I took a peek at him and he shook his head in disapproval but I could see a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Oh... that's pretty cool, I guess." She turned back to her seat, A few people were still looking at us but most had gone back to their phones.

" I guess I have disappointed her," I told Alec.

"Yes, You have dishonored the family name." He said while looking out the window.

I rolled my eyes. He was such a nerd.

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