2 || Everyday

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(Y/n) never left my side. In each class she sat beside me quietly. I never had a chance to speak to her until lunch.

She didn't bring her own and she didn't have any money for the school lunch.

I offer my sandwhich that I bought while ate my apple. She was the only one out of my group of friends who shared my lunch period.

We sat under a tree in the courtyard of the school. Other students were sprawled across the grass and outside eating spaces.

She finishes the sandwhich and quietly thanks me. You're always around me, yet, you act so hostile.


"No problem." We continue to sit in silence. A few minutes pass and a summon up the courage to speak. "Tell me about your self." She was always skipped over in class, I'm sure she must feel like shit.

She cuts a soft glare at me. "What is there to tell?" She rolls back her shoulders. I scoff and look at her directly.

"Everything. I have ears that work. I'm not blind. And my mind functions to comprehend your words. Unlike everybody else in school who ignores you. I had to introduce myself like a thousand times with the hyperactive students in the classes. You never shared once." I shifted to face her dead on. "I want to hear your story."

(Y/n)'s cheeks pinken but I don't know why. She sighs through her nose and turns directly to me. "Fine. I'm Han (Y/n). I'm an only child and I live with my father. I'm new, from a small town that you won't remember the name of, so why bother telling. I like to be alone and not be pestered by foolish boys." She stands up suddenly and scales the tree with ease and long term skills.

I chuckle at her blurb. "That's not what I meant." I look up at her in time to see her stick her tongue out at me. I stand up and hold onto the branch she was straddling. "What do you like to do?" I give a warm smile.

(Y/n)'s cheeks shows another blood rush. "Being alone." She restates with furrowed eyebrows. I climb up another tree branch near her and look up into the canopy of emeralds.

"Drawing? Reading? Listening to music? Or do you just sit there?" I smile absentmindedly. From the corner of my eye, I can see (Y/n) stare at me with wide (e/c) eyes.

"Why are you acting like your interested in me?" I don't look at her but chuckle softly into the now slight breeze.

"I'm not an actor." Is all I say. She stays silent for a little longer before giving in.

"All." She flatly states into the canopy.

This happens everyday. 

Every morning I take the same path to school. 7:50 every morning she slams the door shut and walks hurriedly. Every morning I greet her and she just gives me a cold glare.

Sometimes she would have a red cheek. Sometimes she would have a clear face. And then sometimes, rarely, she would sport a full face of complex makeup on her face, hiding her natural complexion.

I do admit though, her make up skills bring a new type of beauty.

We would walk to class together silently. Pay attention to the lesson. Then leave class with out a word.

Lunch would come everyday at 12:30 pm. Two minutes later, she will state that she doesn't have any food or money for lunch. Each time, I give her my sandwich. Each time, I just eat my apple.

I would talk to her for a few minutes on the ground before she would climb the tree, 12:43 pm to be exact. From there, I get to know about her.

Today, she glares at me through slitted  pink shadowed eyes. "What is your motive? I'm not going to help you with homework." She tries to decipher my actions.

I laugh. "No motive. Unless you count trying to make a friend a motive. I don't care enough about homework to leech off of you." I look at her from my branch.

(Y/n) just sighs and shakes her head. "What ever. So, what deep questions do you have for me today?" She messes with the ends of her soft, (h/c) hair.

"Why do I have random pains even though there was nothing around to cause it?" I throw her off guard with a random question.

She stares at me with I now classify as a: so-done face. "Maybe it's because your alternate universe counterpart is getting injured, or better yet, killed." She gives a short cold laugh.

I burst with laughter at her response. "I never thought about that." I pick a leaf from the tree branch.

"Well don't give me credit, I got it off of tumbler." She giggles sincerely. I look at her suddenly, slightly shocked. Is she warming up?

I wished that I had a camera, recording our conversation, so I can look at her true smile and hear her laugh with out the pressure of trying or looking like an idiot.

She looks down from the tree roof and quickly recovers from a spook with another well known glare.

"What are you staring at?" She questions with an air of hiding embarrassment. Before I can answer, she jumps from the branch and lands in the emerald grass. "We are going to be late for our next class."

Everyday will end up with us walking home together silently. Though, (y/n) started to stay at the school to do homework. I took advantage of spending more time with her. "Maths is stupid!" (Y/n) looked like she was about to tear the assignment into shreds.

"What problem are you stuck on?" I lean over the table and try to help. She glares at me and starts to put her stuff away.

"It's getting late. I have to go home." Only an hour after school had ended. I look at the clock in the library. 4:15 pm. It's not that late...

I shrug and start to pack up my stuff as well. (Y/n) stands but waits for me. I sigh through my nose and text my parents I'm coming home. "Are you going to stay here tomorrow as well?" I ask, shoving my phone into my pocket.

She looks at me. Her makeup started to fade over the weary day. Her (e/c) eyes are not dimmed by the slightly smudge eyeliner. "I plan on doing so everyday." I smile brightly. More time with her.

"Then I shall as well." I beamed happily. (Y/n) rolls her bright eyes and looks away with a slight blush.

"Okay." She responds quietly.

Her pace was slow but I didn't mind. It seems like she was walking at a snail's pace on purpose. Maybe she likes to walk slow for fun. To enjoy life and nature when she can.

I start to talk about random stuff and she listens. Even though she acts like I'm not there, I can see her ears perk at certain topics.

Soon we arrive at her house. I say goodbye and don't expect a response. But this time, it's different.

"Bye Namjoon. See you tomorrow. Have a good night." She slightly bows. I bow back, lower than the common bow. (Y/n) blushes at my action.

"Thank you. You too." I watch her enter the house, making sure she was safe. I enter my own house with a happy sigh.

This happens everyday, the awkward talks and silence. "Namjoon, you seem happier these days? Are your friends in your classes like you hoped?" Mom asks me from the couch of the living room.

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