7|| Change

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Namjoon POV

I see Jimin leave the library as I walk with (y/n) down the hallway. I was about to call out to him but he looked agitated. I decided to let him go so he can calm down. (Y/n) seems a lot more comfortable around me. I let my self relax and be more aloof around her as if she was a very close friend.

We work on homework for the first hour. Since we received only two assignments out of all of our classes, it was easy to power through. "Is it alright if I called you oppa?" She looks deep into my brown eyes, gluing me to my seat and the floor. I choke on my own spit and let out a coughing fit.

"S-sure. Yeah, it's alright." I stutter with a blush. (Y/n) smiles cutely and does a little aegyo.

"Thank you, oppa!" She makes ears with her hands and slightly tilts her head to the left. I blush again but confusment muddles my thoughts.

"Why are you suddenly acting like this?" I asked, airing my concern. She is usually cold and defensive.

(Y/n) pouts—not a frown like she normally does—but full on pouts with puppy eyes. "Because I see that you are a good character of high morals. Your loyal, kind, and smart. I know this seems like a crazy jump as if I changed personalities. Of this might seem like a plot line being curved awkwardly in a story but, this is just how I am..." She fades out like the way I know her would.

She doesn't speak for a second or two. I don't say anything so I won't mess up her though process. "I don't want to re-experience bad things from the past when I was too trusting. I wanted to make sure you would treat me right before I show you my real self." Her voice was hushed. I had to focus on her soft pink lips to understand what she was saying.

My heart falls and plummets into my stomach. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just wondering. I didn't mean to dampen your mood." I quietly respond back, to let her know I was listening and I cared. (Y/n) looks back up at me with bright (e/c) eyes.

"You're fine. Thank you for not being judgey or anything like that." She gives a small smile. I nod slightly.

"I'm not one to judge other people." I return a smile. I look at the clock. 5:30. "How about we get some ice cream?" (Y/n) perks up at the suggestion.

"I love ice cream!" She claps her hands silently and starts to pack up right away. I follow her lead and made way to the doors. Once out of the library, she jumps and whoops in the the air loudly. I laugh and think for the third time, I wish I had a camera.

But your not going to need it, Namjoon! She is going to be like this around you now.

"Butter Pecan or Mint Chip?" (Y/n) was speaking out loud to show light on her crisis. "Can we do half and half, oppa?" She looks at me with big, round eyes.

My heart skips a beat when she says oppa. "Yeah, of course!" I smile, making sure my dimples were defined. (Y/n) lets out a squeal and squeezes my tight. She chants thank you at a crazy fast pace.

She lets go and lets me order. "Two half butter pecan-mint chips, please."

We sit on a bench with our backpacks as mini foot rests in the park. We chatted about random things and told stupid jokes. But the topic changed something deeper and I learned something new.

About her cousin, Min Yoongi.

He was a year older than her and went to a different school not far from ours. She claims that he loved sleep more than oxygen. They were really close but this year they didn't have enough time to see each other though.

"He was like a brother to me, almost raised me to be the girl I am. He made me study and eat and participate. At first I hated him for making me work like that, but now I am grateful for it. He said: if your going to a be a powerful, independent woman, then you need to do these things so no one, and I mean no one, can tear you down." She had a starry look in her eyes as she relived the memory.

She shakes her head slightly, jarring her own thoughts. "Anyways," she finishes the last of her ice cream. "It's getting late, we should head back home if we don't want to be yelled at by our parents." She chuckles and stands up. After smoothing down her tan skirt, she slings her backpack over her shoulder and throws away the paper bowl in a near by trash can.

I follow her lead once again and walked back home with another comfortable silence hovering over our heads. As we reach her house, she turns her head towards me. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, oppa." She says in a cute voice and runs up to her door, quickly waving me a hand. I return the gesture and continue down the side walk until I reach my own home.

My mind was reeling. First, about the oppa thing, then about her talk about her cousin. She said she participated but she was always at the back of the class and the teachers don't hand her papers, none of the students acknowledged her. Yet some how she gets homework.....must be some kind of deal that she gets it earlier or later than the rest of the class.

Eomma was giving me an earful from not telling her where I was at. I acted like I was paying attention to her tirade. But in reality, my mind was set on Han (y/n).

A/n: Sorry if (y/n)'s character seemed like it suddenly shifted. I possibly could've written it better but I'm not that skilled of a writer. I just make up things as I go, not really planning anything😅

Thanks for reading this story! I enjoyed writing this plot line!☺️

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