5 || Trees

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I wake up the next morning groggy and confused. Did I just have a dream in (Y/n)'s point of view? I lightly shake my head with a tired groan. That's impossible. Brains are so weird.

I get out of bed and prepare myself for the school day by opening the curtains to let the natural  light in. This time, I do scream at the sight out of the window. A man was sleeping in the tree that my friends and I have scaled yesterday.

I quickly run outside, glad my parents were still sleeping, otherwise they would've judge me. "Yah! YAH! What are you doing in my tree?! I thought I told you to get lost?!" I wave my arms frantically, almost slipping on the dew.

The man groans and shifts in the tree. "Shut up, will ya? You're gonna wake up the neighbors." I frown deeply.

"No this is unacceptable. This is trespassing!" I lower my voice just a bit due to the early hours of the day. The man pouts with a swollen face. He doesn't move from the tree. Instead he runs a hand through his blonde hair, spiking it in every direction.

"I'm awake now, so what do you want?" I sigh through my nose. Why can't he get it through his thick skull that I want him to leave?!

"Leave my property or I'll call the cops!" I threaten, tired of this man who was probably drunk or high or whatever else that can affect his thinking.

He smiles nonchalantly. "What if I payed rent?" My frown increases. He lets out an exaggerated sigh and jumps from the branch. "Min Yoongi."  He sticks out his hand.

"Kim Namjoon." I shake his hand lightly, not wanting to be too rude despite the situation.

"Oh, so your the Namu character my cousin is talking about. Better take good care of her, or I'll kill you." I gasp and stare into his dark eyes.

"W-What?" I squint  my eyes close for a second, trying to make north out of the fog. When I open my eyes again, Yoongi is gone. "How can some one move so fast and silent?" I wonder out loud as I turn in a slow, confused circle.

I meet (y/n) at the usual spot. "And I won!" I cheered for myself as I re-lived the memory. (Y/n) bites back a smile and turns her head the other way. "What do you think?" I ask, wanting to hear her voice.

"I think it's cute—cool— I think it's very cool that you won a tree climbing contest. It must be from all of the lunch period training." The shorter girl looks up to me—directly into my eyes— with a slight blush. My heart skips a beat.

Then I process what she said, my cheeks heat up and I turn away to hide it. She called me cute! "There is also another thing. Do you know anybody named Yoongi? He is blonde, about five nine, I think." (Y/n) rolls her shoulders back and sighs as we turn the corner. The school is in sight.

"Yeah, He is my cousin. Why?" She looked more annoyed now, as if her cousin was always doing something stupid. Probably in this case, he did.

"Well, last night he said he was going to sleep in my garage but I told him to get lost. Then, I find him the next morning in my tree, sleeping. Do you know what's up with that?" I readjust my backpack as (y/n) shows a face signaling that she was so done with her cousin.

"Did he say anything to you?" She fixes her tie and the collar of the school jacket and the button up blouse. My cheeks flush slightly. I don't look at her fully, just at her cheek where a little blemish was forming.

"He said something about taking good care of you.... and then he threatened death upon me if I fail to do so." I nervously chuckle. I rub the back of my head, focusing back onto the school, avoiding (y/n) shocked face. She lets out a groan.

"Please excuse him. He is being overdramatic." She sighs and shakes her head. "No one can guarantee safety of another." She adds quietly,  it I'm not sure if I was suppose to hear it. The rest of our walk was silent.

From the stairs, to the lockers, and all the way to the first class of the day, no one shared a peep. The silence was comfortable. "Sup, Jimin!" I call out as I enter the classroom. Jimin looks up and Taehyung scoffs.

"Nice seeing you too, hyung." I roll my eyes and let out a chuckle. (Y/n) smirks and gives a cough as a laugh. "Anyways, I headed that Teacher Park isn't going to be here today! That means we can unleash all the pranks we have on the sub." Taehyung continues his conversation Jimin.

I sat in my seat and (Y/n) directly behind me, like always. "Did you get the homework done, (y/n)?" I turn around and ready myself for today. She looks up with wide eyes. The girl frantically searches her bag then instantly relaxes.

"Yeah, thank goodness! That would have been bad if I didn't." I laugh and turn back to face forward. Jimin and Taehyung give me weird looks. I ignore them and went over my problems to made sure I did everything correctly.

"Namu—er—Namjoon," (y/n) nervously chuckles. "Number seven is wrong. It was a simple mistake. You forgot to carry the one." (Y/n) was suddenly by my side hovering over my desk. I flinch and bite back a shout.

"Holy crap! Were you standing there the whole time?! You effing scared me!" I clutch my chest with an embarrassed smile. (Y/n) blushes and slightly bows.

"Sorry for scaring you. Yes, I was standing here the whole time." Her face was tomato red. I laugh to lighten the mood.

"You're fine, (y/n). You are just very silent. Thanks for pointing that out." I quickly change the answer with another chuckle. Her face slowly fades back to normal. "Are you staying at the library again?" I ask. I look up to find her back in her desk.

I turn to face her. She looks up and gives a small smile. "Yeah, I thought I told you this last time?" Oh yeah! I hide my embarrassment with an awkward smile. I quickly recover.

"And I thought you were bad at math. Or at least hated it." I slightly narrow my eyes. (Y/n) laughs sweetly. I wish I had that camera. She shakes her head, (h/c) locks following the motion.

"I got mad at myself for getting a simple mistake after I spent, like, fifteen minutes on it." She keeps a whisper of a smile on her face. "I love math, that is, only when it loves me back."

A/n: Surprise! Double update :)

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