Chapter 3: Meeting my Dad in Battle

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Me and Mom were heading across the clearing to the den, some Gl walked past me and Mom they lower their heads.

"Moonpup these are . . ." she trailed off for the Gl to introduce themselves. The first one spoke up,

"Hello Moonpup I am Silvershine." she was many different shades of gray in sunlight it was shiny silver her coat and with pale flame-colored eyes, she stepped towards me and spoke.

"You must be Moonpup, right?" Silvershine asked me.

"Yes I am Moonpup," I looked at Mom "and the Alpha's son." I finished savoring the 'son' part.

"Well nice to meet you Moonpup I have seen your strength and willingness to learn," she continued taking a breath "and your playfulness level." I felt very proud of being called these things.

"Ahem," said an mostly black pelt with some dark gray spots and light grey eyes, with very unusually sharp claws. "I am Colekilt," He finished in a deep voice his eyes were piercing through my pelt like he was searching for my weakness.

"Umm, hello Colekilt," I said skittishly I don't like him and I think he doesn't like me either, fine with me I thought bitterly.

"Well, we must report our news to Loonmoon." He bowed his head and trotted off to a small cave in the back part of the cavern. Mom nudged me.

"Want to go see your Dad?" Mom asked.

"Yes, I do!" I said excitingly. Silvershine was still where she was.

"Bluemoon may I come with you and Moonpup?" Silvershine asked.

"Sure, Silvershine," Mom said looking at Silvershine "now Moonpup follow me and Silvershine." Mom becomes Silvershine to lead.

"Silvershine, this is Moonpup's first time seeing his Dad." Mom said in a whisper, not quietly enough Mom! I heard you just fine I thought.

"Ok," Silvershine said taking a quick backward glance at me. I padded in the middle of Mom and Silvershine.

"This way!" Said Silvershine playfully to keep the still air upbeat. I nodded not saying anything, hmm trying to make it seem like nothing happened.


We were almost to the rock when I heard a howl from inside, it sounded as if some wolf were in pain.

"Oh no," said Bluemoon, "Moonpup go back to the cave with Flowerpop."

"No! I will fight if I need to." I said as Mom stared at me.

"Now Moonpup!" Mom ordered, "the pack has got this." I looked Mom in the eye.

"Mom I will fight to help the pack" I darted into the shadows, I heard fighting in the cave. I jumped on the top of the rock, it was slippery but my pads were keeping me in place. I noticed a hole in the ceiling perfect! That's what I wanted to find I thought. I looked down I saw a pure black wolf with what looked like steel eyes and silverish coat jet black paws and a light grey mask and what looked like another jet black wolf with light blue eyes. They were fighting, one of them had an unfamiliar scent I'm gonna guess that the jet black one is from a different pack I thought bitterly. The one with the mask said, "Nightshade why do you attack me?"

"Ha ha ha, why I attack you? Because I hate you to the moon and back," He growled. I took the chance I leaped onto the wolf called Nightshade, I landed squarely on his back and dug my claws into his back, I also started biting.

"Oof!" Nightshade said, he looked and snarled. But when he took a bite at me I leaped onto the wall and bounced off it right back on him.

"Wow." Said the masked one.

"Are you going to help?" I said through Nightshades fur.

"Oh!" He said he jumped on Nightshade as well. We tussled and tumbled, but Nightshade never once touched me. Then out of nowhere there came Nightshades paw colliding with my face I went flying into the rock wall. Oof! That didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but while I was still on the floor dazed from the collision . . . Nightshade jumped heavily on what I think was my Dad, then I saw a black wolf with gray eyes sneaking out of the cave, Colekilt after this I will personally rip off your tail I thought.

"Colekilt!" I howled not loud enough for it to echo out the cave. He turned and saw me staring at him,

"Are you going to stand there or help?" I asked now that he ran over to me.

"Oh, I will, but it's too late." He looked down at the ground.

"Did you know this is my first time seeing my dad . . ." I trailed off as Nightshade laughed and padded away.

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