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The light wind swept through ShiningSun's fur, ruffling it. NewMoon spoke "ShiningSun your medicine-wolf will meet my son very soon . . . . LunaHeart."

"Interesting but, how can he be your son?"

"To explain it, it would take 10 moons but," he continued "He has every packs' blood flowing through him," he finished warily to Shining Sun.

"Hmm interesting, what makes you tell me NewMoon and not the others?" ShiningSun cocked his head in question.

"I speak to you for the sake of all the packs that lay below us ShiningSun." responded NewMoon cooley back to ShiningSun his wariness disappeared.

"Very well then shall I give my LunaHeart this dream or give him the warning NewMoon and, should I be out there?"

"I say be mysterious, not just there like a trail of a fox!" NewMoon exclaimed.

"Ha, true I must do that," retorted ShiningSun right back playfully.

"Ok, do as you must ShiningSun." NewMoon flicked his ear to the side in a movement that means, be gone from my presence.

"Ok, thank you NewMoon," he backed away and turned around and padded off into the whisping clouds and into the fading light ahead.

"Ah, soon my dear son shall rise to be beyond the alphas, to become one of us," he whispered to himself. As the moon began to rise beyond the clouds that lay ahead turning many shades of blue and purple.

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