Chapter 4 - Found

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Found - having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly.

They got to know a lot about each other and Takuya managed to find out some of Shin's past. Shin told Takuya how his mother used to abuse him when he did something wrong, say something wrong, or he didn't do what he was told. After he left the family home, he has been scared of ladies: girls not so much.

Takuya was missing to the world for now 1 and a half months. The citizens, fans, his company, and Takuya's family were getting extremely worried about him. Takuya had totally forgotten about his family and his life completely to the point that Shin was starting to get convinced that he gave Takuya a different potion but it was impossible since Shin has never made a love potion before since he believes in true love. Shin didn't want manipulated love since it feeds lies to the brain.

Police was searching everywhere for him and Shin since they only had one bit of evidence: the CCTV from the coffee shop. Shin didn't see it so he did not blind it. It got to the point where Shin couldn't let Takuya go. His obsession over Takuya felt as if it was going out of control and Shin knew this. Although, what Shin didn't know was that Takuya felt the same. Takuya didn't want to leave Shin. His cuteness, kindness, and body pulled Shin closer into his heart.

One day, when Shin made Takuya go to sleep for a while so he wouldn't go while he went shopping. He thought that doing some shopping would help him relieve his mind off Takuya and not be so possessive towards him. Shin was agitated about these thoughts that he forgot to blind a couple of the CCTV cameras around the area.

It was only a few hours later when Shin's door was knocked down. Shin's eyes widened and he stumbled onto the floor. He held his hand up to his mouth and whispered something. He slapped his hands together to lock his spell so no one can find the secret room where he does his magic and where all of his warlock books are in. The spell is one of the most powerful: not even warlocks can break it, never mind humans. There was no chance that he would show his true power to anyone.

The police came rushing into the building, not giving a care as to if they knock anything over. Shin was honestly terrified. He had never been in a situation like this before. The police barged into the room where Shin sat on the floor and Takuya was sleeping comfortably on the bed. They fiercely grabbed Shin, pinning him facedown on the floor, digging their knees into his back before handcuffing him. 

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