chapter 5

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Y/n pov

It was turn for Scott's training still I'm angry at Hank for not giving me the suit basically I'm the owner apart from Hope but she wouldn't want that ..i was ready for my morning I'll be going to work then train scott untill Hank will keep him busy i went downstairs to see scott doing some workout on his own i smiled at that think and he was looking cute ugh i know i have mood swings one time I'm saying scott cute and other time I'm hating him just beacause of Hank othere wise no pun included

Scott glanced at me and stood up and as he was approaching i rememberd the last night his finger on my lips giving me chills and nervousness well i have dated lot guys but it's something different

"Good Morning"He said standing in front of ne giving me one of his Scott's smile

"You know scientist tell nothing bad will occur if someone say hi to another person saying Hello" i rolled my eyes at him playfully "well i heard from the golden agers that stay out of trouble"i told him pouring coffee in The mug

"Oh so you are basically saying that i should leave the opportunity here and give it to ya....Not happening beautiful"he said standing just behind me,his hot breathe on my neck,he's doing something to me i slowly turned facing him but he didn't moved
"or you are saying that you are trouble I can't come near you"he said low intimate voice 'he is playing with me'i thought to myself i smiled and moved a bit closer to him our faces at mere inches from eahother "A fast learner i see won't last a second in front of me Dream Boy"
I grabbed my coffee and walked away leaving him behind,why I'm so attracted to him ofcourse his blue ocean eyes his intensity of looking ugh lets get to work y/n

The day was passing smoothly I had to do some work Hope was with Cross smiling and playing with him ,i sighed and scott came into my mind but he have a daughter,ofcourse she is sweet and she lives with her mother i don't know

It was time for me to train scott i wore sweat pants and a f/c blazer and went to the gym watching scott as he was trying to pass through the keyhole and hope was standing there looking furious she waked outside the room coming towards me

"What happened Hope?"i asked "He is Useless he can't work with the Antman suit even don't kniw when to push the button,you are per....."stopped her sentence widening her eyes
at me "ummm..i..i"she stammerd "i know sis i know lets don't talk about that I'm going to train scott"

"Ok go ahead but don't be much attracted chica control your Hormones"she said to me chuckled and walked away "yes hormones they are and i was thinking i was starting to like him"i muttered to myself and went downstairs to the basement used as Gym

I walked down and heard scott and Hank talking to eachother and Hank telling him that i can't wear the suit as I'm not suitable for it and its dangerous!!!shit here goes my mood

I walked in and Pym walked out scott looked at me that i would talk but i just told me to do 20 pushups first and i didn't talked a word that why the hell he always brings the topic of me not wearing the suit and Hank always telling that I can't blah blah i began to train him i know martial arts as well as hope when our mother died painful memory "okay scott ready"

"When you're small energy is compressed so you have the force of a two hundred pound man behind a fist a hundredth of an inch wide, you're like a bullet. You punch too hard, you kill someone, too soft, it's a love-tap. In other words you have to know how to punch"i told him

"I was in prison for three years, I know how to punch"scott told me cool i guess "Show me" sh
I putted my hands up and Scott hits my hand
" Terrible"i said unimpressed

" You want to show me how to punch?"he puts up his hand like mine "Show me"he said suddenly I punched him in the face knocking him back "That's how you punch" hank came in "She's been looking forward to this" to scott" No kiddin"
"Stop there if u gonna say mom dued in plane crash..leave please"i said Hank left

"You were going for the hand right"scott asked "do 25 pushups"

I walked out of the room"Hope will train you now" i told Scott.. why he always had to spoil my mood i went to my room and picked up my f/b and started readibg and dozed off to sleep

When i woke up "ugh I'm so hungry"i went downstairs in search for food there was some
"""In refrigerator and putted it in Oven waited for some moments and it was tender to eat
I stuffed full spoon I'm too much hungry and won't be a Sophisticated y/n..there was some noise outside at the doorstep as i went outside scott was sitting there..I immediately felt bad as i was honestly so hard upon him and thrown him a punch "umm...hi"i sat next to him on the doorsteps he looked at me and said "hi How are you feeling?"

"I guess i should be the one asking that question"i chuckled "Well it was a hard day for me,you guys wanna make me captain America "."funny scott,honestly i'm....I'm sorry that i punched you..i...was".i stammerd but he cut me off "you heard our conversation,i know probably you gonna be mad again but he is right not about anything that you can't do byt for your safety,as if it comes on my daughter i won't be risking her life understand that y/n he cares for you"."by saying I'm incompetent fjr the suit....leave it here"i said him standing up
"Come on" ."sorry?"scott said bewildred "i know you are missing your daughter so I'm taking you to meet her now hurry up"i got car keys and some shrinking disc and made my way out of house scott toeing behind "why.."he began "don't ask questions i can change my mind"we drove to his daughter's house and with the help of disc i shrinked us and called carpenter Ant went up to Cassie's bedroom window and poped in made us back to our original size and cassie was astounded at first but jumped in her dads arms that was cute and she hugged me as well "how do you know her?"scott asked "a friend my mine father but where were you"i just shrinked myself telling scott I'll be waiting outside but he said me to stay so i did it was fun talking with them but eventually i gave them sometim alone and waited in my car fo scott soon after he came back "thank you so much y/n i...I'm so happy" ."save it scott,Hank Hope and me to do this for you as you are doing great"he was just smiling and looking at me with same intensity as he do with his pure blue eyes

The next few days passed telling scott each and everything about lab the yellow suit and all the ants from which scott was afraid as hell..i kinda start liking him!

~~Time skip ~~~

We were training when scott suddenly gave a painful blow in stomach and then sayin "oh you okay d....."i cut him midlle by punching him on the face than straddling him with my legs choking him a bit "haha scott good try"

As i was passing the scott was tending his wound it was quite bruised...he was shirtless though not a good body but i can feel my cheeks heating up on his bareness.i went to him got the clothe of his hand took the bottle and mending it and then putting bandages on it..i didn't uttered a word and was blushing hardly 'im a fool for doing this but i couldn't help it..he grabbed me by my waist that took me off guard and i was pinned against his chest his oceanic eyes gazing in mine with same intensity of love....'what is it love'

His face barely inches away his breathe on my face "why are you doing this y/n did Hank also told this to you" i don't know but i was biting my lip he untangled my lips with his thumb and index finger and resting his hand on my cheek .i was speechless honestly i haven't got attached to someone though lot of people in office hit on me "you know i..."he said in intimate voice moving closer looking at my lips was about to kiss me when "y/n..y/n earth to y/n"i was shook off from my day dreaming hope was standing there with devilish smile on her face and said scott that hank is waiting for him outside and taking me to her room and said "spill all the goddamn shit y/n"

Hope you guys like it plz comment what you think💋🌟

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