chapter 6

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Y/n pov

"Y/n what was all that were you drooling over scott...are you out of your mind.he is a thief y/n You can't develop feelings for him Hank won't approve even i won't approve scott courting you" hope started

"Hope relax he is changing he is not what you thought all what he did was for her daughter like we are doing now and second think"holding up my two fingers in counting way"im not falling for him"

"Oh no no"pacing in the room to and fro "you are arguing for him now even comparing him to us what we are doing.....most important thing he has a daughter" oh she is boiling my blood now
"Hope what the hell if i like someone i won't see how many people he have and it's not like she is living with him on second point .."thinking a bit "third actually that Cassie is a sweet girl and i don't care"

"You have fallen for him oh goddd"hope said "Hope you are hyperventilating the situation..its not like that"
"Y/n likes him ,she loves him ,she don't care he have a daughter"
"Quit it hope okay i like him"she suddenly came to an halt and shouted like a happy child "i knew it..i knew it I'm so happy for you. That you finally found someone that you drool over gurl"she embraced me in a hug
"I didn't accepted that"

~~~Time skip~~
Scott was practising with controlling ants making them to put sugar cubes in the tea and he couldn't do that "they are not listening to me" scott exclaimed "you have to commit,you have to mean shortcut no lies"i Told him
"Y/n throwing insults into the mix will not do anyone any good,we should focus on heloing scott"he said

"I don't know why i came to you on first place"i left the place getting into my car
Scott also got in "oh god scott please leave"
"You gotta lock your doors. I mean, really. There's some weird folks in this neighborhood"he joked "Do you think this is a joke? Do you have any idea what he's asking you to risk? You have a daughter"i explained to him "I'm doing this for her"he said "You know when my mother died I didn't see him for two weeks?me and hope both of us"
"He was in grief"scott answered
" Yeah, so was I and hope and I was seven And he never came back, not in any way that counted. He just sent me off to boarding school while Hope was there with him,You know, I thought, with all that's at stake, just maybe we might have a chance at making peace. But even now he still wants to shut me out"i told him my eyes were starting to water up but i controlled them 'I'm stronger then this'

"He doesn't want to shut you out. He trusts you"scott kept arguing in Hank's favour

"Then why are you here?"i questioned ...he gave a big sigh
"It proves that he loves you. Y/n Look at me"i looked at him facing him now ."I'm expendable, that's why I'm here. You must've realized that by now. I mean, that's why I'm in the suit and you're not. He'd rather lose than fight than lose you. Anyway... "Scott goes to get out of the car i stopped him by saying
" You have to clear your mind, Scott. You have to make your thoughts precise, that's how it works. Think about Cassie, about how badly you want to see her, and use that to focus"i said to scott giving him the earpiece
And placed a cpin on the dashboard
"Open your eyes and just think about what you want the ants to do"couple of ants arrive and Scott gets them to pick up the coin "That's good" i told him and suddenly the ants started to make a heart with writing L-O i was happy "it's good Cassie is helping"i said to him well okay i was a bit sad cause i wanted him to make that heart for me but good he is getting to control ants
Before the ants continue more scott pulled out the earpiece and get out from shotgum moving to my door opening it "lets go inside"he said I'm feeling good now i got out from the car and move at same pace with scott in the house i wanted to say thank you so i turned toward him and watched him looking at me and said " no offence you know you don't have to keep misunderstanding those who love you" i smiled "then they have to tell me about it that they love me"i said moving inside of the hoise but heard him murmuring "that's not easy" i was confused at it but hank was there at the door waiting for me with Hope standing by his side and giving me a huge hug "I'm sorry y/n"

Thank you for reading sorry for a short chapter

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