Chapter 9

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Merry Christmas!!Enjoy Ur Christmas muh lovely readers plz do comment on my story n don't forget to vote lol😘

Y/n pov

Stirring slightly,conscience coming back i was in room ...control room looking here and there no one was around.i was tied with a rope that made me smirk ' What do they think this would  prevent me from running gosh' i pondered for a moment I know every way in and way out.But as I was thinking I saw the same bag the man was carrying.i joggd towered it and opened it finding some files of a house "hmm ...weird"digging inside more there were some pictures in it as i went through  them,there were pics of Hope and Hank,Cassie with her mother,scott outside the house cross knows everything!everyone's life is in danger. I have to reach to Hope and scott..I tried wriggling my wrist a bit i know how to break from it i have trained hard much and these things can't stop me!did cross really thought or is it some kind of trap! I tried the door it was locked "think think think"i said to myself i studied the door well nothing is impossible for  a lady.i quickly plucked my hair pin out and tried the lock it can't open as it's touch censored for few people as no body can get in the control room ,my fingerprints were there but i bet if they still be here."But I can get the panel free hope so" but for this i need to have something first for leverage ,i turned to see anything but not any with my luck
"Gotcha" I founded a wooden stick small and thin enough for using it as levarage  Then, using it as leverage, i widened the gap between the panel and the wall until there was enough room to wriggle my fingers inside. With a gentle force,  pulled the plate free, making sure to leave plenty of sack for wires connected on the other side."f@#k please let be it right what I'm doing"
Squinting,  i studied the tangle of electrical tubing and immediately picked out the grounders and hot wires, the ones to leave alone "okay going well" now Of the remaining cables, slowly  systematically pulling and reattaching them until "yesss"i silenced yelled  found the emergency override. The door slid open, and i didn’t waste another second inside that room.

As i got out of the room i ran toward the corridor for exit and there he was the same blue suit aloof,when he glanced my way his eyes boring deeply into mine ,a smirk appeared on his face and he said in thick Spanish accent "i see not a común girl" he said cocking his head "i told cross,you not a simple girl,but"he said walking towards me "that's why I'm here"
"Oh comeon gimme some credit, i just picked the lock of a highly touch censored door"i said he smiled "oh Bravo now I will lock you somewhere else"he pounded his fist towards me head but i was fast enough to duck and hit him hard over his hipbone and he backed behind with me quickly recovering and kicking him once again in the femur,'thanks to my heel' it should have pierced  some skin of his .he was clutching his thigh "are you hurt?"i asked slyly he smiled again 'Oh god I hate his psychopath smile' he charged over me in a swift manner grabbed my head and banged it on wall..all went blurry for a moment i stumbled on my feet and faint.he stood over me  smiling "not good enough" he turned and started typing something and i quickly crawled a bit as he was standing at very good angle showing me his butt in a cheetah motion i kicked him hard with point of my shoes at his private point where the sun don't shine hardly he thumped to the floor i quickly got up and ran towards the exit..I was running when someone grabbed me from behind and i was about to smack their face when i saw it was just scott "scott..."I sighed in relief,he touched my head 
"y/n what happend to you,your head is bleeding" at this moment I know i should worry but it almost gave me gratitude watching his eyes pooling with worry for me but i realised my task "we have to save..."before i can speak "no chit chat the buildings gonna explode in few minutes y/n,we have to run or we will become juicy steak here" we ran outside as a tank burst out of the building soon hank and hope were out of the tank with hank wounded "dad..."I ran toward him "y/n you are fine..oh thank God"hope said "we have to take him to doctor"i helped her to pick dad..and suddenlyi realized scott is behind Cross and Cross is behind everyone
Xxxxxxx    xxxxxxx    X xxxxxxxx

I was bit busy with some work keep reading i will be updating soon

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