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When David O'Reilly sent his message to BLI territory, he almost instantly regretted it.

In the eyes of the law, sending it would be considered treason. Free speech was a thing of the past now, so saying bad things about the government was not permitted. He wouldn't be killed for it if he was caught, since the death penalty had been abolished, but he would most likely go to prison for a number of years.

Then he was reminded of the original reason he had sent the message: his daughter.

El was the most spectacular girl he had ever known, even if he was a bit biased. She always had a positive outlook on life, no matter what consequences there were. If she was happy, she didn't care what anyone said about it. She never believed in following orders unless there was a good reason; she would never accept a "Because I said so" without at least five more "Why?"s and until she received an honest answer. And David loved that.

He missed many things about the times before the war, yes. He missed playing music with his friends, in front of thousands of people, all dancing and singing along. He missed self-expression. He used to think that getting your whole body tattooed and pierced was weird, but now that it was gone, he realized that was those people's way of expressing themselves. He missed being able to scream at the world when it did him wrong, and missed going to pubs and spending time with his friends.

But more than any of that, he missed El.

Every once in a while, he would go down to his basement and take out his guitar. He had kept only one of his collection, because he was forced to hand over the rest to the government. And whenever he went down to play his guitar, he would always play what he knew to be her favorite songs. He knew she liked the band Coldplay, so he would play Lost! on his guitar and think of her.

So with that message, he had a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, she would come home to him.

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