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   I searched in my bag for my train ticket. I had just finished a seminar and I was heading home. As I validated it, I heard the doors of the train opening. I ran as fast as I could, and thank God I did get in and also, found a seat. I comforted my body in the seat that someone had heated before me. I put on my earplugs and searched for a smooth song in my playlist. I was looking outside the window, when I noticed, the guy sitting across me was staring at me. I made eye contact with his mirror self and then my eyes met him. I quickly looked away, trying to tell myself it was just a coincidence. He was reading a book, while also listening to music. The book was called The Night You Left [check it out! It's my Jaehyun fanfiction😊]. He noticed I was staring at him again. We were alone in the wagon. He smiled. You look tired. I heard his voice. Thankfully, I was able to hear him as the volume of my music was low. I giggled and blushed. It was a long day. I replied. Is the book interesting? I asked, managing to continue the conversation. He slowly closed it and placed it in his bag. It's quite interesting. Though, I'm pretty sure how it's going to end. He said and laughed. I'm Jaehyun. He said, giving me his hand. I'm Y/N. I introduced myself, smiling at him. I was feeling kind of weird. I had never been in a situation like that before, but it was interesting. He was handsome. He has light brown hair. His skin was pale, but his eyes so vivid. He was wearing a Jeans jacket and some casual, sport clothing. His posture brought off a strong attitude. Where do you get off? I asked him. At the terminal station. He answered. Really? Me too! How come we've never met before? Ι asked him. You had never noticed me. He said, making my heart skip a beat. I blushed. I guess, now it's the right time. I said. He giggled showing off his dimples [I won't stop mentioning his dimples. Thank you]. The lady's voice announced that the train was arriving at its last destination. We looked at each other and let out a sigh. Would you like to go grap something to eat? He proposed. I was hesitant, as I didn't know him. I didn't like interacting with strangers. But he was cute. Sure. I smiled.

    Two hours had passed and we're sitting at a Mexican Diner, laughing and talking about various things. Oh, it's quite late. I'd better get going. I've got an early waking. I said and he asked for a receipt. He was sipping his milkshake, while doing something on his phone and I caught myself intensively staring at him. He looked up and caught me. Crap! I'd like yo see you again. He said not taking his eyes off of me. I blushed. You're cute when you blush. He said, making me even more red.

   He walked me to my house. There it is. My apartment. I said, pausing my walking. I didn't want to say goodnight, but I had to. Did I have to? It was really nice, meeting you Y/N. He said, giving a peck on my cheek. I hugged him and said goodnight. He started walking away, when I realised life's too short to be waiting on. Jaehyun! I said and he quickly turned around. Would you like to come up for a drink? I proposed, not thinking much. It didn't take too long for him to decide, either.

    I invited him in and headed to the kitchen to grap two glasses and some wine. I returned back to the living room, coming across with a boyfriend-material-aesthetic guy sitting on my couch. I buried my body into the soft pillows, fixing our drinks. Thank you. He said, taking a sip. So, what should we do? He asked, lightly smirking. I suddenly felt too uncomfortable. I took a long sip and stood up, putting on some music. Love is a bitch by Two Feet faded in and two strong hands were wrapped around my waist. I felt his lips, tracing their way onto my neck. I turned around and connected my lips to his rough wine-tasted pleasure.

A/N: Ahhh I'm so sorry guys. I'm so out of inspirationnnn. 😭😭

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