Notes- about the book and me >_<

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Hello my beautiful readers~~. I'm just wondering if you guy could help me pick the main guy for this story. I know this book isnt really lovey dovey like other book because i'm really bad at writing that kind of stuff hahahahahahah..... but i'm trying really hard here to make it sweet.  

This book will be really long.... it can take up to 70 chapters but i have no idea what to write next kekekekekke maybe i might just decide to end it in a easy way lol.
The only thing that i'm really curious right now is who should be the main guy??? ^_^ Sehun???? Kai??? Chanyeol??  urgggg! Mollayo!!  ^_^

Hey! you guy~  Where are you guys from?? i want to know!! i want to be friends with everyone kekekekek. I'm really crazy in real life hahahaha just incase you want to know  Whenever me and my friends (Who likes kpop too) go out we always stalk anyone that look chinese lol~~… we are like stalker sad to sah~. We pretend to say stuff  in korean to see if they understand.... well that is us. Once my friend  saw someone who look chinese she turned on Exo XoXo song out loud in the shopping mall and try to walk next to that chinese lady lol. My friend is soo retarded.

About me>>>>>

I'm from Thailand! Any of my reader are from Thailand???  i guess not~ π_π. Dont worry i love you anywayz kekekekekke. I'm now live in England. Anyone here live  in England~~?? please say yes~…. I moved here since i was 11 and now im 15  i will be moving back next year yey!!!!!! happy dance happy dance~~ I will be closer to Exo then heheheheeh.

oh i dont know what to say now hehehee. i guess bye bye~~ pleaze comment who you want to be the main guy xx.  Oh and the date pt3 is already updated Thank you for all the votes and comments. Without you guys my book will never reach 9k xx Thank you!!  Annyoung beautiful people

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