Chapter 28: 2 days pt2

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Yo Yo!! part 2 is here~~~~ please enjoy readingg~~  ^_^
Sunny's Pov*

"Omg!!! ...........  ..
.........It can be-------------", Me and Kimi said at the same time.

"wahh!!...... its ...... beautiful~~~" , Kimi is amazed at the beautiful path and the beautiful light.

"Yes.. so beautiful", i reply. This place is beautiful the outside is decorated with light and flowers also there is an arrow telling us the direction to go. There's a house about 8 metre in front of us.  It have a huge poster stick on it "Thank you and good bye"

Tao, Suho and Chen came out of the house with a huge grin on their faces.
"Let me lead the way princess", said Suho to me. Chen did the same to Kimi

"What is going on?", Kimi asked with a questioning look.
"You will see princess", Chen answer

"So... did we just became princesses", i gave kimi a smirk and we both laugh.

As we enter the house , the light suddenly turn off and everything become dark.  Video started to play on the big projector screen. The video of me and Kimi when we first arrive in Korea the first time we met Exo. The video of me and Kai fighting and arguing and also a time when we were laughing. The video of my biryhday's surprise , the video of Kimi and Luhan together. The video of me, Kimi amd Exo laughing together happily.

"Surprise!!", all of them shouted and the light is back on.

The room reveal to have pictures of Me and Kimi hanging around the room. Oh wait there is a picture of me sleeping?? why so close?? too much Zoom in!!! =_= where did they get that!? -.-.  They have so many picture of us that i've never seen before and when did the picture even taken.

"Kimi -yah ,Sunny yah ah salanghaeyo!", Baekhyun did really cute aegyeo.
"Awwwwwwww", me and Kimi

" You can cry if you want i will be nice and lend you my shoulder", Kai smirk.

"No thanks i will borrow Sehunni oppa's shoulder because its ways better then yours", i sneered.

"Aishh whatever", Kai hissed.

" Soo what is going on here", Kimi is still confused.

"its both of your good bye and thank you party", D. o  reply.

"Oh ....... this is daebak", - kimi
" so.. We are leaving tomorrow then Kimi", i looked at her with a sad expression and she did the same.

"Exo get in the line",  Kris announced.
Me and Kimi shared a "what" look.
Sehun was first in the line.
" i will say my speech now", he said. Me and Kimi just nodded.
" When i first met both of you i thought you are just one of those normal fan girls who are totally crazy, But you guys are different. You don't like us because we are famous you like us because of who we are. I believe that you are the real fan because who else can argue with Kai?? Sunny i was so surprise you know ....seeing you and Kai arguing is amazed me haha to be honest I'm proud of you Hohoho you did well dongssange", -Sehun

Next is Kai
"When i first met both of you i hated you so much *wink* i hate you more",he pouted at me what the heck i didn't even do anything to him when i first arrived *pout*. "To tell you the truth both of you did nothing wrong but i was just stuck in my past and couldnt move on. Thank to you for making me.move on. you're so annyying that its so hard to forget your face", he kept on staring at me as if everything he said is all only for me.

"Thanks? =_=..", i cant say anything no more.

Tao is next
"Thank you for making us so happy and smile all the time. This one month was great and i have such a wonderful memories. So after tomorrow no more Kimi and Sunny? it wont be the same.... but i will wait for you guys to visit. Come anytime", He smile.

next is Baekhyun, Do and Chen. They started singing Lucky. *hehehehhee cute*
next is Xiumin
" L.A must be beautiful but you like Korea more right? after going back please don't forget about us!! if you do i will go and kidnap both if you and bring you back here", He said and end it with a laugh.
"Anyone have anything more to say", Kris asked

"They've said it all", Chanyeol pouted.

"You are too slow hyung", - Sehun

"Kimi you look soo cute in this picture!!", Baekhyun said showing a picture of Kimi drinking a bubble tea with her eyes sparkling.

"Hahaah i know right!! i took that picture", Tao exclaimed.

"When did you guy took all of these photos", i said while looking around th room.

"Heheh we took it secretly", Lay smile with his dimple

"are you guys like a hidden paparazzi or something?', -Kimi

"Who knows that this paparazzi is actually your boyfriend", Luhan gave her a wink.
"Heyy stop it! i'm jealous", i pouted.

"You have 11 left pick one", Kimi laugh.

"Ani .....not my style", i laugh at my own joke.

"Bo!? not your style?! i'm beautiful excuse me?, -Kai

"We are not your style? i'm sad", Baekhyun folded his arm.
"Ani! i'm her style!", Chanyeol happily said

"No she like me more", -Chen
"No! me more!!", Baekhyun
"no!!!! me more!!" Chanyeol
"Wait!!!!!! isnt "not my style" support to be my phrase?", Kris asked

"Well dahh you don't say =_=",- Tao.
Everyone started to laugh and enjoying the moments. Kris always make people laugh because of his stupidity i will never forget that he is the best galaxy ever. I will surly miss him π_π...... T.T ( come back home~~ can you come back home~~yhh~~)
I'm walking around outside and stares at the Korea beautiful night stars. I'm going to miss this place and will also miss those aliens. Hull~ being a fan is really hard.

"Yo bueyo?", a voice said behind me.
i turned around to see Sehun sat right beside me "umm just thinking", i reply with a small smile.

"Oh", he made an Oh face.
Everything went silent once again. This place is soo peaceful.

" What are you going to do when you go back?", Sehun asked.

" School studies i guess, back to my old life", i took a deep breath

"I'm going to miss you", i looked at Sehun because we just said that at the same time. We both ended up laughing.
"Sunny.......", - Sehun
"Neh oppa",- me

" You know i used to have a crush on you"- He look at me with a shy smile.

"Bo!!!!? you what!? i was so surprise that my eyes went so big.
"Surprise right?", he smirk. how can he smirk in this situation.

" Don't worry didn't i said i used to? you don't have to worry from now on i Will think of you as a sister", he ruffled my hair.

"hahaha so you don't have a crush on me now then?", i asked.

" yep but i might like you again in the future", he gave me a wink.

" Did Sehun Exo- K just confessed to me?", i pinched his nose.

" i guess you could say that", we both ended up laughing

" Thanks for the confession... i was really happy"- me

" Anything for you babe,", he pinched my cheek playfully

" Hahaha you're funny", sarcasm =_=
"Sehunni let's go inside", i drag him inside with me. Best night ever i just got confessed to >////<. How is that even possible. Could he be the one who kissed me? no but he said he used to not now and the kiss incident was not long ago.  the kissed incident might just be a dream Aish i'm thinking too much!! stupid me. Lets just enjoy my last day here B)

How was it??? thanks you for reading~~ Bye byee byeee ~~

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