She Was Beauty To My Eyes

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"No Roman, the coffee run sucks," Seth said, looking up at Roman from where he was sitting at his desk

"Please Seth," Roman pleaded, his bottom lip pouted and his eyes wide

"Can't you ask Dean?" Seth asked desperately

"You know he'll forget the orders as soon as he gets there," Roman replied and Seth grinned, trust their counterpart to forget everything. That's why they keep lists around

"Please Seth, just go get the coffee please," Roman begged, puppy dog face in full effect

"I'll love you forever?" Roman offered and Seth chuckled

"Promise?" He asked jokingly

"Promise." Roman replied and Seth smirked and snatched the money from him, getting up and straightening his suit

Seth pressed the ground floor button of the elevator and waited, when the elevator came up, he walked in and cleared his throat

He stared at the little coffee cafe as he walked towards it and rolled his eyes, he didn't want to be here. Why couldn't Roman just gotten the coffees?

He pushed the door and listened to the bell on the door ring, and he knew as soon as he walked into the place, all eyes were on him. Everyone here was either an old woman, a college student, or someone just wanting some caffeine and here he was, in a three piece suit.

He walked up to the counter and there was a lady in a pair of black jeans and white crop top, she had her hair up in a bun and had her back turned

"Corey, the machine needs cleaning!" She called out before she turned around when she heard Seth approach

"Hello welcome to Grinders, may I take your order?" She asked and Seth froze

What had to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen stood before him, waiting on his answer

She had brown hair and blue eyes and she was perfect in Seth's eyes. Seth was so happy he stuttered himself back to life

"A caramel macchiato, a chai green tea and a straight black coffee," he finally said, still looking like he was dazed

'Will there be anything else for you today sir?" She asked with a polite smile and Seth swore he melted, but he still smirked and pulled a pick up line on her

"Are you on the menu?" He asked and she gave him a surprised look and smirked in reply, leaning closer over the counter

"Depends on how you want me?" She asked, batting her long eyelashes at him and now was his turn to look shocked

"Just as you are, very sweet and very hot," he flirted and she chuckled and snapped the lid on a cup

"What's the names cassonova?" She asked

"Dean on the plain black, Roman on the chai green tea," he said and she nodded and scribbled them and then looked at him and waited a little

"You work next door don't you?" She asked and he nodded

"Yeah, I'm an architect," he told her and she nodded and scribbled something on the final cup

"Enjoy," she told him, handing him the cardboard cup holder and shooting him a smile, he nodded to her and picked it up, giving her a smile and leaving, praying to god he didn't trip over himself

Seth practically ran into the building and into the board room where he knew Dean and Roman were waiting for him and he excitedly put down the cups and the two took theirs and Roman smirked as he saw what was on Seth's cup and alerted Dean who chuckled

"Yo Rollins, check your cup dude," Dean said and Seth tilted his head in confusion before picking up his cup and turning it and the biggest, goofiest smile spread across his face

Across the white cup was the word 'Architect' with a heart. He smiled and fawned a little and Roman and Dean shared a look

"You okay there?" Roman asked and Seth sighed and began in detail about the girl he met in the coffee shop

"Oh, you mean Rydel?" Roman asked sipping his coffee

Seth's eyes widened

"That's her name? Rydel?" Seth asked, loving the way the name sounded on his lips

"Yup, she owns the place," Roman replied

"She was beauty to my eyes, like wow." Seth sighed but they couldn't continue talking because the rest of thr company started filing in

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