Chapter 1

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There was always two rules to surviving on Earth that Aquarius always had to follow. Rule one, never  show off much or risk being exposed on the internet, the few times she had broken the rule had led to them leaving the country by the days end. The second rule, never let her mark be seen. She had broken that rule once and it nearly cost her her life.

Since her powers began to grow Aquarius had to be even more cautious, the enemies that had hunted her for nearly her entire life would became even more determined if they discovered her powers. Her guardian Andromeda had kept her alive for eleven years and did not want it all in vain.

Aquarius walked slowly on the track railing on her way house. She had not been allowed to go to school since she was a kid and showed her mark to a class friend but still liked to hang around schools and watch the kids go about on their normal lives. She would sometimes practice her phasing ability by walking through walls and empty cars, if Andromeda knew it would likely mean goodbye to America, or at the very least North Dakota.

As she strolled down the empty tracks listening to music on her ipod, one of the few things Andromeda let her take with her, she thought about the countless countries she had traveled to in the eleven years she had lived on Earth. Her favorites had been England and Japan, but America was nice, though North Dakota was a little small in people. Andromeda always said that it was a nice place, though how she knew Aquarius did not as her Guardian barley left the house.

Finally she got back to the house. She refused to call any of the house they stay in home, they would either leave in a few months or they would be just plain terrible. Their current house defiantly went to the later. A small two story run down house that looked more like a barn, several broker windows  and a door that looked like it could be broken down with a single kick. On the yard a line of makeshift walls had been built for Aquarius to use in her training, there was also a rack of objects to be thrown at her while she phased through the walls.

"Hey Terra I'm back." Aquarius called, she and Andromeda had a running tradition to call each other by their fake names.

"Ah good Delia was wondering when you would get back, come help me with dinner okay." Terra called. Aquarius set her ipod on the desk and went to join Terra in the kitchen as Delia. The inside of the house was a lit better than the outside. Terra made a constant effort to keep any house they stayed in livable in the living room was  the laptop, the only source of entertainment in the house.

In the kitchen Terra was cooking beef stew, Delia washed her hands and went to help Terra with the stew. Terra waved a finger. "No I need you to make the salad the stew's almost ready."

Delia nodded and grabbed the lettuces and salad dressing and went to chopping. Soon they were done with their preparations and sat down at the table.

As they ate Terra told her what she had heard on the internet, mostly average non interesting things. As Terra talked Delia drifted away to her imagination. In her mind she dreamed of her home, the few memories she had of it were of towering buildings and crystal like parks. She dreamed of walking through those parks, seeing creatures that did not belong on Earth. Delia was so wrapped up in her dream she did not notice Terra had stopped talking till her guardian stood.

"What's wrong?" Delia asked confused. Terra held a finger to her lips and slowly walked to the door. She stopped and looked through the small peep hole and opened the door. "May I help you?"

"Yes I sorry to disturb you mam, we just have a couple questions for you." Delia heard a deep male voice speak. She leaned back in her chair and caught a glimpse of two buff men at the door. The taller of the two had skin darker than she though possible, the smaller man however was so pale he seemed nearly translucent. Both were covered in scars and dressed like old timey wrestlers from a movie she and Andromeda had seen in Nevada.

"We were wondering, do you have a daughter named Delia?" The dark skinned man asked.

Terra nodded and Delia saw the two men smiling. "Good, this is good, second does she happen to be here now? We wanted to talk about a school friend of her's."

Delia did not have any school friends in North Dakota, she did not even know any of the high school students. When Terra turned around with a questioning look Delia just shrugged. Terra turned back to face the two men. "Yes she is here, but she does not know anyone at the school."

"If its all the same to you mam we still want to talk to here. The girl said some very interesting things about walls and cars."

Delia tumbled out of her chair and ran to the living room. The two men tried to force their way past Terra but were stopped when golden chains wrapped around their arms, legs, and chest and thew them back several meters from the house.

"Grab the laptop and get to the car, I'll catch up." Andromeda shouted running out the door. Aquarius grabbed the laptop and ran at a speed beyond any human for the garage. Not even bothering with the door she phased straight though it and dove into the cheap car Andromeda had bought them. The keys were already in the car where they always were and Aquarius turned the car on and waited in the drivers seat till Andromeda crashed through the garage door a few pre packed bags in her arms.

Aquarius phased through the front seat before threw open the back door, tossed the bags in and got in front. "Get us through." Andromeda ordered setting the car in drive. Aquarius placed one hand on the car roof and the other on Andromeda's shoulder and focused. Andromeda floored the peddle and they drove straight threw the garage and out into the yard.

As they raced away from the house Aquarius got a glimpse of the two men wrapped up in golden chain. Aquarius knew those chain to be the same one Andromeda summoned when she needed to ground her. Their heavy and they neutralize most powers, including the ones the two men had. Aquarius saw the pale man pull out a phone right before Andromeda spun the car to the side and raced away leaving the men in the dust. 

"We need to get to the airport." Andromeda said, more to herself than Aquarius. It took them over two hours before they pulled into the airport parking lot. Aquarius was about to get out when Andromeda grabbed her by the shoulder and forced her back into her seat and drove out of the parking lot as fast as they arrived.

"Blast they knew we would come here will have to go by car." Andromeda said once they were back on the main road.                     

"So what's the plan Andromeda? They probably have every airport in the state tabbed in case we try and fly." Aquarius said fingering the ipod Andromeda had managed to grab. Andromeda sighed and leaned back in her seat.

"I'm not sure Aqua, we'll just have to go by car for now. Get out of the state then plan our next move. But I think we're going to be staying here longer than planed. We can't leave they'll expect that."

Aquarius leaned back into her seat and wished that she would develop a power that would actually be useful in fighting those that hunted her. But until then she could do nothing but run and hope Andromeda could keep her safe. But as she looked up to the roof of the car she silently promised that one day she and Andromeda would go home, and that she would make sure nothing would keep them from it.     

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