Chapter 8

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But good things can't last forever, as I have come to learn. Soon we had pulled apart and I came back to the world. Back to the realization that all this world has to offer is pain. It's an unfair word. Where people give up their humanity for power, money, and their own personal gain. I had never wished a bad thing upon another person, not even my father. But life is unfair, and for some reason, life never wanted me to win. Never.

Natsu looked at me for a second before I realized what was happening.

"You need to leave," I said as I started to cry again. Natsu looked confused. He thought for a moment before pulling something out of his pocket. It was a silver necklace with a crescent moon charm that had a star in the center.

"Here," he began to place the necklace around my neck, locking it in the back. "It reminded me of you."

I began to blush in spite of myself. After he was done he stood up and began to leave. "See ya Luce," his face was crestfallen. I turned away so he couldn't see me cry. He wavered by the door as if waiting for me to call him back, but when he realized I wasn't going to, the left.

I broke down in tears. I no longer felt like I was on the moon or even the stars. All too soon, I was plummeting back to Earth and the harsh reality of it. Suddenly, I heard my father's car parking in the driveway. A shot of panic raced through me. I scrambled over to the edge of the roof, but before I could do anything, my father was pulling me down off of the roof and into the house.

"So you're still alive," he commented, "Interesting story. I happened to run into that boy Natsu on my way home. He have something to do with this?"

"Just give me one minute!" I said, "I will jump off this building right now, okay? Just don't hurt Natsu!"

My dad's face twisted into a cruel smirk, "You love him, don't you?"

I bit my lip and tried to hold back the sobs.

"I'm extending your deadline," My father said, "You have a week to kill yourself."

A spark of hope appeared in my heart. I stumbled backward and managed a nod.

"But if I ever see him with you again, so help me I swear," he pulled his hand back, I flinched preparing for the pain that never came. I opened my eyes to see my dad grabbing a rope off the counter. He wrapped his fingers around my wrist in a tight grasp and began dragging me. "Oh no not again....please not again," I thought.

I heard a door open and close, and realized that I was now outside. I was dragged for a while longer before he stopped abruptly and rolled me across the backyard. I flew across the years and smacked straight into a metal pole. My dad shoved my arms behind the pole and tied my wrists together. Panic coursed through my veins. He wasn't going to make me stay out here all night was he? He smirked.

"Night, bitch," he slammed the door to the house behind him.

I shivered from the cold. It was a cold night, and I knew my dad was punishing me. Punishing me for being selfish and for not killing myself. Punishing me for the worthless piece of trash I am. I knew that i deserved that. What I didn't know, however, was why he extended my deadline. He wanted me dead, didn't he? He wanted me gone, so why would he wait? There must have been some dark twisted reason for it that I couldn't comprehend.

I pulled my knees close to my chest and closed my eyes. I had to fall asleep sooner or later, better sooner.


I opened my eyes to the blinding sun and my father's cruel grin.

My heart beat faster as I realized he was holding a knife. I struggled to move, but I has held down by the rope. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the imminent pain. Then I realized something. He wouldn't cut me. It would do nothing to help him. All the easily covered parts of my skin were already marked with scar upon scar upon scar. Any more and someone would notice. I took a breath as he cut the ropes. I scampered up to a standing position and ready myself for another attack, but all i saw was my dad walking away. I sighed in relief and headed to the kitchen where i washed my face with some cold water, and tended to the rope burns on my wrists. Then i hurried to get changed so I wasn't late for school.

As i walked to school i thought of the day before and an unsettling feeling washed over me.

"I'm extending your deadline. You have a week to kill yourself."

What would happen to Natsu if i didn't. I looked down at my watch. I was late again. I began to run knowing that if i was late i would be in a ton of trouble with my dad. I turned a corner to see a long flight of stairs that lead to a sidewalk that lead to the school. I thought i could jump the whole thing, boy was i wrong. I launched myself off the top step, aiming for the bottom but missing horribly. My foot got caught in the fifth one causing me to fall head first onto the remaining stairs. I began to tumble down the stairs. My vision began to get blurry as my head hit each bump in the stairs with a painful thud.

After what seemed like ages i stopped at the bottom. I tried to use my arm to prop myself up but soon crumpled to the ground again. Don't fall asleep, i told myself, stay awake stay aw-

"Oh my God Lu!" I heared a familiar voice yell. The voice began yelling thing that i couldn't make out while a low voice answered.

There were a few words that were somewhat understandable. I heard my name a few times. I also heard ambulance and something else...a name... a name i knew. I felt someone lift me up off the cement, my eyes were closed by now. I heard my name once more before blacking out.

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