Chapter 3 - Officially overdosed

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Heey guys :D i Guess this will be the last chapter before the Unreal parts start .. i haven't decided yet so i'll update you later ;) By the way guys .. Please Share it .. i'll be so thankful <33 I'm so glad i could share my story with you so Please? :$ Thankk youu :D

Its May 13th , it's been more than a month since my heart was stolen By that Korean guy , that Mister Squiishy ASKDHEJDFG !! The past days were like the other ones , But i always had that special person to think about , that Special feeling to have each time my mind goes toward Kyungsoo .. Is it me or is it me ? I'm getting addicted to him as seconds , minutes , hours pass .. 

i Don't know why but, The idea of going to Korea grew up since i've fallen in love with Kyungso .. i even made him .. My only wish .. Omo this isn't normal ..Now my only wish is a Guy? <33

i Can tell you , my addiction to him made me even fight with the closest people to me; My friends were making fun of me each time i talk about him , each time i try to express the feelings inside of me .. Do you know what is it like to be SO IN LOVE LIKE AGHH IN LOVE?!! i Just became ready to fight , to do whatever it takes , to sacrifie my whole life so i can be with him .. With D.O .. That main vocal in Exo ..Sounds impossible huh? "Impossible" is the word that i used to hear each day .. but i was removing that "im" From it .. Cuz i believe nothing is impossible .. the hardest dreams came true .. So how come mine will not ? That's how i was feeling ..

i Annouced that day .. Officially .. That i'm Overdosed with D.O's love .. <33

i Made my decision ..My next goal in life: Working hard to be with D.O

Yeaah people can laugh as much as they can but i won't care any more about the crap they say to me .. no matter what they say .. i will continue to follow my ambitious dream .. even if it was so close to be impossible .. i won't give up .. <3

Then .. The rumors came out .. His new drama .. His new movie .. Kissing scenes .. Dating rumors .. These stuff were my every-day nightmares .. They were torturing me each time i see someone talking about them .. i Just want to stop these stupid rumors .. i mean seriously don't people know they can kill someone Mentally?? They can give him a heart attack ? Yeah i know it's his life but .. i Don't wanna see him flying away ..i don't wanna see my only wish breaking into a million pieces in a blink of an eye .. i don't wanna hear that my true love now belongs to someone else ..  i Decided not to believe in rumors .. Yeaah .. that's what i did .. Hopefully one day , i'll be able to put my head in his chest so i can hear his heartbeat .. i've never made his "being handsome" thing a reason for being addicted to him .. i Just loved him .. he's the sweetest person i've ever seen , he's so kind, werid <3 polite, We have like a billion thing in common , To me .. he's just Perfect <3

i Just wanna be with him , despite the distance between us .. Is it that hard?

Omo i spent writing this chapter crying like seriously crying .. i just couldn't hold back my tears .. It's really tough to express your feelings about someone far away from you .. :'( Stay updated guys <33

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