Mattx(y/n) - Champion of this dick

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You are walking through south central LA. All of a sudden, you saw a toucan wandering the streets. You freak out, and run in the other direction. You turn around to see the government drone chasing after you. The beak flies off, and you see the little government man, his eyes fixed on you. Still looking at the agent, you suddenly crash into something. Limbs go flying, and a skateboard hits you in the face. The world fades to black, as you pass out on the cement.

The last thing you see is a short, dark haired boy with a faint mustache, punching the toucan in it's government agent face.


You feel soft, supple lips touching yours, and you suddenly wake up. You scream, and notice your surroundings. You are on a rough couch in a musty living room. You look around, and see 6 strange men staring at you. Above you, is the one who was kissing you, who saved your life. Matt Champion. 

"Where am I?" You wonder aloud, confused as hell. 

"You're in the brockhampton factory" a strange voice says, you turn to see a white man with a blonde bowl cut speaking. 

"The what factory?" You ask, very concerned. 

"Brockhampton, call your mama!" A black man says. You turn to look at him. 

"Excuse me?". 

The boys all of a sudden start chanting "BROCKHAMPTON", asking you to repeat it. The black one starts chanting "hands up!" And you get very scared. You hop off the couch, and run to a door, only to find a very tall light skinned black man guarding it. You back away, and trip over the couch. You pass out again.


You wake up again, to loud music playing. You recognize the song. Suddenly, you realize where you are. You step out of the room you're in, to find the members of Brockhampton rapping in another room. You hop on the mic, and lay down some sick beats. The boys all turn to look at you, clearly impressed.

"Scoop di de poop, scoop, skrAAAA. Bum ba dee dum bump bump in my truck. YAAAHHHH aye whoop whoop de doop poop. WHOOOO skeedidooi. Ha ha ha scoop poop." 

The boys all have their jaws dropped open. You hear fans screaming. This encourages you to do more. "Baby shark, doo doo doo doo do doo. Johhny Johhny, yes papa? Mama shark doo doo doo do doo do.". 

All of the boys bow down to you. 

"Would you like to join the best boy band since one direction" The black one says. "I'm Ian Simpson, but you can call me papa Abstract." 

He says. You reply with: "fix your teeth bitch, I'm (y/n)". They look at you, shocked. 

You hear another voice quietly say "Hi, my name is Merlyn." You turn around to look at this new voice. "I just applied for food stamps." He explains.

"Okay." You say. 


Later that afternoon, you are in your room at the factory rehearsing your lines for the concert that night. "Scoop dee doop doop..." You hear the door open. You whip your head around, wondering who would dare disturb the star Brockhampton member in her prime time. It is the boy who saved your life.

"Hey (y/n), I just wanted to check and see how you were doing." He says. "My name is Matt. Will you take my virginity?" He asks, pulling his pants down. Shocked, you don't know how to respond. Luckily, your vagina moves faster than your brain. You strip down to your skin and your bones, and pull him close. As you attach your strap on, he says "I love huskies, but I feel like a wolf." You enter his tight asshole, and he goes "aWOOOOO". 

As you fuck him harder, he starts to sing "I want more out of life than this." You increase your speed, and he screams "I WANT MOOOOOOOOREEEEE". He starts panting, and he begins to climax. "Good riddance, goodbye" he yells, as you see his tiny kids start flying out of the tip of his member. He starts to stroke his shaft up and down, saying "Why y'all always mad cuz I'm feeling myself?". You pull out, confused, as he screams "WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN, I CAN'T FEEL MYSELF?". He collapses on the bed, sweating and panting. 

"Thank you."

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