Memories Look At Me(7)

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Kit left me. I called him dozens of times but he didn't answer. My doubleM wandered in and out of the house to look for him. They whined and scratched at the closed door of his room. They even cried like wolves at night. Maybe, they missed the days they had slept with him in his bed. I had no information on him except his number. He refused my help in his moving into my house. We hadn't made a contract. So, there was no way I could get his address.  

I contacted P'Pha after all. I couldn't come up with a better idea.

I met him in the medical library at our alma mater where he started teaching students as a professor. "Sorry to bother you, P'Pha." I waied him. "It's okay. Never mind." He greeted me with a wai, too.

I talked to him briefly about what had happened between Kit and me. He heaved a deep sigh when I talked about Kit's passing out on the heavy rainy night, accompanied by terrible lightning and thunder. "He was hospitalized for one week." He just listened to me. 

"P'Pha....He left me...." He looked at me. 

"...What do you want from me..." he asked, sighing again.

"I need his address." I got to the point. 

"...Kit left you because he wanted to. Why should I tell you his address...?" he said, shooting me a cool glance. "...Because he is waiting for me." I didn't say anything other than that. "Are you sure?" he asked, raising his one eyebrow. "Yes, I am," I answered firmly.

"Do you love him?" he asked. 

"Let me confess to him first." I added, "I 'd like him to have all my firsts."

"It sounds like you never confessed to anyone before," he said. 

I flinched.

"Are you serious...?" he asked. I didn't reply. "Haven't you dated anyone..?" he asked me again. I forced a smile. "Don't tell me. You are still a virgin," he said shaking his head. 

I felt my face all red in an instant.

"....,...This is why I like you...But study hard, Khun." 

He patted me on the shoulder and handed his address to me.

Mingkwan's POV

Kit got me to sleep on the wooden long chair with no cushions in the living room. He didn't even offer me a blanket or a pillow. The chair was too hard on my back as well as too short for me. My sons, doubleM, also had to sleep without a mat on the hard, messy floor. 

I knew why he treated me this coldly. 

When I got here, I asked him,' "Do you want me to kiss you...?" I was fully ready to kiss him. And he also closed his eyes as if he was waiting for my kiss. He just needed to say yes. However, in the very next breath, "No, you bastard! dhfoehroehreihre! Fu*k you dhofheoehehr!" He kicked my calf and swore at me so hard. He was still a foul-mouthed carpenter.

I didn't want to kiss him without his agreement like the other day. However, now that I thought back to that moment,  I should have asked him in a different way; 'Can I kiss you...?' or 'Please allow me to kiss you...' 

If I hadn't found my Moon sash before, I would have been more moderate then. I regretted my being too confident.

I looked at the closed door of Kit's room. He shouted at me that I'd better leave early in the tomorrow morning before he went out for work; he got a temporary carpentry job at a nearby house construction site. 

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