⚜️ 0.3 ⚜️

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As soon as we arrive at our destination. All of us were so tired because we all just woke up. We were waiting for people to go out from the plane. And we are the last one who are in the plane. But we're not the only one in the plane. There's also NCT too.

All of us were about to go out from the plane. But suddenly someone is calling us from behind and it was Yuta. "Hey BP, ouh sorry but I want to give you guys some energy bars. Well.. since all of us just woke up and we all look terrible" Yuta said. "Oh no, it's okay you eat that. Anyway that's your's" Rosé said. "Nononono, I bought extra. And this the extra. Just in case if anyone else need some energy. But I'm not saying that you guys don't have any energy in your body but you know..." Yuta said. We thanked Yuta before we take the energy bars. And after that we ate it. After we ate the bars, all the sudden our bodies started to get hyper. But of course Jisoo doesn't change much because even though she didn't eat the bars, she's still gonna be hyper.(our 4D Chichuu)

• Time Skip •

Rosè P.O.V

When we arrived at the hotel. Outside the hotel there's a lots of fan. And some of them are our fans. We were about to get in the hotel. We have to wait at the lobby because our rooms isn't ready yey. While we were waiting for our rooms, we are trying to chose our rommates but we have no idea. Since we don't have any leader in our group. "How about we just chose our line" Jisoo said. All of us were giving Jisoo a confuse face. "Like what" Lisa said. "Maknae/Unnie lines or RapVoc Lines" Jisoo said. "Ouh that's a great idea. How about we all chose Unnie/Maknae line" Jennie said. Then of course all of us agree with that. So now Me and Lisa are mates now and Jisoo with Jennie the Unnie lines. Haha they know they already old.

One of the worker said that our rooms are ready. They give us the keys for our rooms. After we all left at check in. We found something strange around us. Which is our manager is not with us. All we sees are the fan, other idol and other managers idol. So we have to wait until we find were our manager is. But suddenly our manager text Jisoo.

Manager : Sorry girls.. we all suddenly have a meeting. But you guys should go up to your rooms and while you guys were waiting you guys should take a few relax first. Since tomorrow you guys have to practice for KMA.

Chichoo : It's alright manager. We will get some rest in our rooms.

After Jisoo done massaging the manager. She came up to us and told us that "You guys. Our manager told me that they have a meeting. So he told me to tell you guys that we should go up to our rooms and gets some rest. Because tomorrow we have to use a lots of our energy" Jisoo said. "Okay" JenChaeLi said together.

• Time Skip •

In the Unnie's room, Jisoo is playing with her phone. And Jennie is sleeping. So the room is so quiet. On the other hands the Maknae's Line, they were so hyper Rosé is brushing her hair while singing and Lisa in the bathroom but doesn't make any difference. Because Lisa is so hyper she and Rosé ate 5 packs of candy. So that's why they get so hyper. "Yah Lisa!!!" Rose call her. "Mmm.." Lisa anwser her. "Keep it down will ya. You gonna wake up next room with your annoying voice" Rose yelled at her. "Ouh sorry" Lisa said with her playful tone. Rosè just rolled her eyes.

~ Ring ring ~

Rosé pick up her phone. " Hi unnie" Rosé said. "Hi.. what are you guys doing" Jisoo said. "Ouh we were about to order a food. Do you want anything" Rosé said. "Ouh... no it's okay.. I'm just bored. I want to play a game but Jennie is sleeping. So I was wondering to ask you guys to play with me" Jisoo said.
"Oh sure.. we want play with you unnie. Come to our room. And do you need something to eat I'm going to order now" Rosé said. "Chickenchickenchiken" Jisoo said. "Okay then" Rosè said.

A few minutes Lisa came out from the bathroom. "What take you out so long in there" Rosé said with her annoyed face. "Sorry. I was dancing" Lisa said. "IN THE TOILET" Rosé yell at Lisa. And make Lisa startled. "Chill Chaeng. This not like the first time" Lisa said.
Rosé were about to go in the bathroom but somebody ring the door bell. "You go get it" Lisa said it with her attitude which makes Rosé confused all the sudden why she have that kind of attitude towards her unnie.

Rose was taking a peek to the door to see who is it. It could be one of the BLINKS or Jisoo. Yeah it's Jisoo. Rosè let Jisoo in. "Hi come in" Rosé said. "Yah. You guys already order the food" Jisoo asked LiChaeng. "Yes, we did." Rosè said. "Unnie.. Rosé keep yelling at me" Lisa said with her sad impression to Jisoo. Rosé just rolled her eyes. Jisoo stared at Rosé "Ugh.. you guys always fight. What makes you yell at her Rosé" Jisoo asked. "Well.. She's in the bathroom so long an-" Rosé was cut by Lisa. "It wasn't too long" Lisa said with her high tone. "Wasn't too long.. uh.. Lisa you've been in the toilet almost 2 hours okay. And while taking a bath you also been singing in the bathroom with your loud voice. And you might wake the neighbors up" Rosé yell at Lisa. "Ugh.. YOU GUYS STOP" Jisoo shout at both of them making them starlet. "(Sigh) I came here not to hear your arguments. I came here to play with you guys.." Jisoo sudden stand up walk towards the door. "You know.. I'll just be in my room I had enough listening to your argument" Jisoo storm out of the room and went back to her room. "Look what you did, Chaeng" Lisa said. "Ugh.. me... are you trying to say that I'm the one who start it" Rosé said. And looks like she's about to punch her.

Jisoo went back to her room. When she got inside, Jennie already woke up "Hey.. where were you" Jennie said. "Ouh.. I just went to LiChaeng's room" Jisoo said. "They had a fight again". "Okay.. that's it" Jennie stood up and packing her stuff. "Why are you packing...? Are you going somewhere?" Jisoo said with her confused face. "We are going to change mates. You have to share the room with Rosé. And I'm with Lisa" Jennie says. Jisoo agreed with Jennie's plan. Jisoo help Jennie pack with her stuff. And after they finished packing. Jensoo went to LiChaeng room. Jennie knock the door and it open it by Lisa. "Unnie.. why are you here..? Why did you bring your bag unnie..?" Lisa asked. "Ahh.. fisrt can we come in..?" Jennie said. Lisa let them in. "Ouh.. me and Jisoo are planning to change mates" Jennie says 😊. LiChaeng look at each other made an eye contact "Why.." Both of them said. "Because whenever you guys together you always fight" Jennie says with her tone high. "Anyway.. pack your stuff Rosé. You are going with me" Jisoo said. Rosé nods her head and when she started to pack. She was so happy because she doesn't have to share room with Lisa. Because she had enough of her.

~ sorry if you guys didn't understand what I'm writing ~
~ Hope you guys enjoyed ~

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