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Back at the HOTEL

Yeri P.O.V

After the awards I was extremely tired. "I want to sleep" I mumble. "then sleep" Joy said walk out from the toilet. Joy is my roommate. "But first you need to brush your teeth first" Joy reminded me because I always forgot to brush my teeth. "Kkay" I thank her.

I went to the toilet and brush my teeth and wash my face. And then I walk out from the toilet "you know if she find out that her best friend is dating her crush she would be mad and sad" Joy said while looking at her phone. "I know" I said "And you still not going to tell her" Joy said. "If I tell her our friendship will be over" I said while wearing my beauty care. "Friends were supposed to not keep their secret you know that" Joy said still looking her phone. After I finish putting my face care I stand up and went to my bed and take pillow from my bed and throw it to her "Unnie just stop.. I had a rough day and I just want to rest" I said while turn off all the lights. I went to my bed and "You are worrying to much she wouldn't find out trust me. I have ways" I said and close my eyes.

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