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Yeri P.O.V

Back in the hotel room

Joy is in the bathroom taking shower and I'm here waiting for her. Ugh she takes a bath so long it tooks 1 hours.

'Door open'

"Finally" I said while taking my stuff from my luggage. I walk pass her and I sigh. "Are you okay?" Joy ask me with concern tone. "I'm fine" I reply to her.

~ Time Skip ~

Korean Music Award

Back staged

"I think it's better if you tell her the truth" Joy said while looking at her phone. "I don't know. But for me I think it's a best thing to not telling her that I'm dating her crush, plus I'm her best friend. I can't broke her heart.

"If you are her real 'BEST FRIEND' you should tell her. The truth, even though it might break her heart but it's better than getting caught by your 'BEST FRIEND'" Joy said with a serious tone.

After Joy said that to me, I feel like she was right it's better to tell her truth rather than being caught. But I don't know why I feel kinda uneasy about telling her. This is unlike me. I used to tell her everything. She even comfort me when Jonghyun died (R.I.P my angels).

Ugh, My head is starting to get headaches. I ruffled my hair. And all of the sudden I felt like someone is smacking my back head. And I turn around and see my manager. "Aish, it took almost an hour to get your hair done" I giggled at her "sorry" whispered to her. 

~ Time Skip ~

Red Velvet was currently on the stage performing Bad Boy + Russian roulette + Ice Cream Cake.

After Red Velvet finish their performance. Next group is EXO. Red Velvet went to the back stage and greeted with EXO and laugh at them because Suho is dancing to our song, Russian Roulette. Kai and Chen were trying to stop Suho from dancing. We wish them good luck for their performance.

Sana P.O.V

Waiting Room

I was smiling looking at my phone. Yuta been sending a funny picture to me. He's so cute. "Boo" "AAAhhhh" I was shocked because suddenly someone surprised me from behind. When I turn around it was Jisoo. I quickly put my phone in the beg. I don't want Jisoo to see this.

"Hi, who are texting?" Jisoo ask "Ouh, my dad" I lied to her. "So.. what are you doing here, Jisoo?" "Ouh.. I came here to tell u that I have a plan" Jisoo said eating her burger. "A plan..? Plan for what.." I ask Jisoo. "To confess Yuta that I like him and so were other girl to. They were planning on confess to their crush." Jisoo were so exciting when she tells me what she gonna do. Should I tell her the truth or should I not...?

"Um.. earth to Sana, are you listening to me". I finally snapped from my thought. "I can't wait" Jisoo get up because her manager call her. Jisoo and I were waving goodbye.


So.. should they tell them truth or just let it be and see what's happen next.

Also guys, I'm sorry for not updating this story. I just feel like my story isn't that good and I'm not a good writer. So yeah. I don't know which one. Should I just give up. ( please tell me guys, it's okay if you want to say hurt thing to me I'm okay. Everyday people call me worthless so I'm okay )

Stay Save & Health guys.

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