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Yeri P.O.V

At the same, I couldn't sleep bcuz I can't get rid of about Chaeng and Jaehyun situations. Should I tell Chaeng that I'm dating her crush or should I tell Jaehyun about this. Tbh Jaehyun thinks that my best friend Chaeng knows about my relationship with him. Oh My Gosh, I just realized that I kept a secret from my two loves one..

OMG... I don't know what to do. Whatever I need to get some sleep for tomorrow.

~ Dream ~

"I can't believe you did that, Yeri" Chaeng said with crying. "I'm sorry, Chaeng. I've been wanting to..." I was about to finish my sentence and then suddenly I heard a scream saying "Get up... Get up"

I woke up and then Joy in front of me... "Get up, Yeri. We need to go downstairs and have a breakfast" Joy said to me while brushing her teeth. "Okay" I was so glad it was just a dream. I really thought I'm really going to lose a friend. She won't find out right... I hope not.


I was sitting beside Jaehyun at the breakfast. He tells me about what happen to the member in their room last night. It's so funny. "And then Doyoung end up sleeping in the bathroom" Doyoung said. "Hey, I rather sleep in the bathtub rather hearing you guys keep shading my girlfriend" TY said. "Aww.. thanks babe" Seulgi kiss TY.

"Seeing you guys being cheesy to each other, I miss Sana" Yuta said with sad tone. "It's okay, I'm right here for you Yuta" Winwin patted his shoulder. "No, I don't want you. I want my future wife to be right beside me. If only JYP booked a room in the some hotel as ours" Yuta pouted.

(Did I forget to mention that TY and YT are dating someone)


I know my story is starting to be boring... sorry

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