Mudblood (Lucius Malfoy x reader)

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Reader's Pov

I was sitting at my house table. "This year instead of being only 1 head boy and  1 head girl we will have 4. Those 2 extra people do not know who they are but the other 2 do. James Potter and Lily Evans please come up along with Lucius Malfoy and Y/n L/n."Dumbledore said smiling. Hufflepuff Starts to scream at the top of their lungs. Their yelling is louder than the whole school. I jump out of my sit. And run up to Dumbledore.

"Are you sure I should be up here?"I asked.

"Yes Miss L/n you are now the Head Girl for Hufflepuff, "Dumbledore said giving me a pin that says Head Girl on it. Lucius, Lily, and Potter got their pin and we all went back to our seats.

Time Skip

I was in my new dorm waiting to see who I'll be sharing with. I will be totally fine if Potter and Lily have to share because I ship them like no body's business. I was setting up my room. At the end of it all. It had a dark f/c as the wallpaper. I had hung fairly lights that shine white, green, blue, pink, red, yellow, purple and so many more colors. I put books on the shelves and hung up pictures everywhere. I plugged in my muggle radio. And No sleep till Brooklyn by Beastie Boys came on. I turned it up some more. I then started to dance and sing.

Lucius' Pov

I didn't know a Hufflepuff would listen to that kind of music. I think we'll get along okay as long as that doesn't happen at night and while I'm studying. 

"You're just going to let her play that muggle music in your dorm Lucius?"Snape asked.

"It's our dorm and as long as I don't hear it at night or when I'm studying I don't care,"I said. Walking to my new dorm room.

"She's Mudblood Lucius. You got to show her who's boss."Avery said rudely."She has not crossed a line yet Avery. But you have by following me here. So both of you leave."I said.

"Wow. The Mudblood has already got to him."Snape said leaving the dorm altogether. I then hear it get quiet. Then there a knock on the door.

"Hello, roommate. My name Y/n. But my friends call me Queen."She said holding her hand out."Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy."I said shaking her hand

."Why do they call you Queen?"I asked."

I don't know. Really. It's just a nickname I got from Potter and Black."Y/n said.

"Oh, well, Queen. It was nice meeting you but I do have to unpack."I said smiling.

"Yeah, you too."She then walked away. She was pretty but she is a Mudblood.

Time Skip 

Reader's Pov

I was sitting muggle candy and my grandma's homemade cookies on Lucius' bed with his note for Christmas. We don't really talk all that much. The last time I talked to him was when we first met. I then left grabbed my stuff. Before I walked out I seen that Lucius was on the couch study and talking to his friends.

 "Merry Christmas Lucius," said smiling at him.

"Merry Christmas to you Y/n."He said smiling back at me. I walked out of our common room to the Hogwarts express.

Lucius' Pov

"It's getting late. You guys better head to your common room."I said.

"Okay. Bye Lucius."Avery said then leaving with all of them following him. I walked into my room to see cookies and candy I've never seen before and a card. I opened the card slowly. Reading it out loud it said.

Dear Lucius

First I would like to say Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoy your holiday. If you don't then I hope the Muggle candy and my Grandma's homemade cookies make it better. I know I have no right to say this but please do not become a Deatheater. I overheard Snape talk about it. We both know what will happen if you become one. They'll come after all of the Muggle-borns. Because we don't have magic in our blood. I'm nothing more than a Mudblood. If you don't do it for yourself do it for me I beg you. Well, after I have said that. I hope you stay safe until I get back to protect you.

Love  Y/n L/n

She overheard about Snape becoming a death eater. I'll have to send an owl to my father. I hate to say this but I've grown to love the women. Let's hope I can talk dad out of me becoming a death eater.

Time Skip

Y/n just got back and I've been told the good and bad news. I walked over to her door. I knocked quietly. She opened the door. I walked past her. She closed the door afterward."I did what you asked. About not becoming a death eater b-but my father was killed because of it."I said breaking down. She pulled me in a hug. We sat down on her bed. She was still holding me as I cried my heart out. After a while of crying. I started to grow tired.

Reader's Pov

I pulled him up to my pillows on my bed. Then I pulled the blankets over him."Please don't leave me."He said. I laid down next to him and wrapped my arms around him.

17 years later

"Draco, Whatever house you are in. We'll be proud of you. If Slytherin is the house you go to be the most cunning. Hufflepuff is the kindest there is, Ravenclaw be the smartest and Gryffindor be the bravest. You hear. I love you."I said kissing him on the top of his head.

"And no saying the 'M' words. I love you too son."Lucius said.

"Okay, Mum, dad. I love you guys too."Draco said hugging me the Lucius.

"Also, don't forget the toilet seat. If you get in Gryffindor."I said smiling. He laughed.

"Don't listen to your mother," Lucius said smiling.

"What's rule two?"I asked Draco.

"Don't listen to dad."He said as the train whistle blew.

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