October 17th - Feedback

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I read all of your oneshots (the seven of them).

I thought the book was a collection of oneshots that was totally unrelated to each other that's why I was a little confused when I saw the same characters in the second oneshot.

I didn't have to force myself to read because it was pleasant and gentle. There were really cute stories, some with a sad part that rendered the characters more realistic. Thanks to that, I could relate with them pretty well: I felt sad for their past and glad they loved each other. Also, it really made sense that a soul (so your male lead in the first oneshots) can only be affected by intent and, in the fourth oneshot, the way they made love was very interesting. It was original and also my first time reading things like that.

The pacing was really good. I didn't felt the sex scenes came too quickly or too slowly and they were warm: it was the kind of romantic love that is great to read imo. The descriptions were great, those about the characters above all, and the feelings of your characters were shown at the right moment. Those parts were fluffy; it was satisfying for me since I'm a fan of fluff. For those reasons, I like your style. However, it's a pity that you don't really change the characters or their stories.

I think I would read more of your work if you could change the characters or their stories more often or show us other parts of their stories. For example, why don't you write about their first meeting? You also can write about the troubles they meet as a couple or with the prejudices others can have about them being a couple. Maybe you should also order your oneshots in chronological order if there is one so that your readers aren't confused. Crystals were really great because the characters didn't end up as a couple at the end, contrary to the ones before, and they were cute having a misunderstanding like that. I really liked to read it.



1. What did you think the book was about? I had some questions about the back story of the characters. I know it's supposed to be fantasy, but I wish there was a little more backstory on the main character Ariel. Like what she actually is, and if they are on Earth or where the stories are taking place. The second question I had, is the one-shots Ariel's dreams or actual fantasy? I was confused.

2. Did you feel the book fulfilled your expectations? It had very well detailed scenes with great descriptions about certain moments. As I said, it left me with a few unanswered questions though.

3. What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? I read the first three one-shots, but a had to reread each chapter a few times to understand or draw my own conclusion to what was going on in the scene. The genre itself is not my favorite, but with a little tweaking, this book could be great.

4. Do the characters seem real and believable? (Basically, can you relate to their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know, if they do at all?). I would like to know what Ariel is and more of a backstory would have been awesome on just what her species is, other than that her unrequited love (I'm questioning) was very believable.

5. How was the pacing of the chapters you read? (Consider if the scenes skipped or jumped randomly. Too fast or too slow? Why?) The build-up and detailing of the scene leading up to their coming together was very well constructed in my opinion. Spaced and timed perfectly. Some parts could even be expanded.

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