Just A Girl

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With her wavy brown locks, tan cowgirl hat and sparkling blue eyes, Miley Stewart was easy to spot in a crowd. Everybody knew her, everybody loved her. Well, except for a couple select few.

Twirling her leather satchel lightly around her fingers, she skipped through the crowd, tipping her ten-gallon hat when someone greeted her. Lost in her own thoughts, she knocked heads with someone, sending them both to the ground.

"Oh, goodness!" The brunette cried out. She reached her muck-covered hand down and helped the other girl up, "So sorry, Ma'am!"

"No, no." The girl muttered, gagging at the sight of her ruined outfit, "I'm perfectly fine."

Sighing with relief, Miley smiled and held her hand out, "I'm Miley Stewart."

"Lilly Truscott." The blonde introduced, grabbing hold of the girl's index finger and shaking it awkwardly. Noticing the man and woman beside Lilly, the brunette offered her hand, "Y'all must be Lil's folks?"

The woman refused the shake and nodded awkwardly, "Heather."

"Ken." The man introduced, shaking the girl's hand.

"Well, it sure is great havin' new people movin' here. Gives me more people to talk to, which is all fine and dandy. Where's y'alls house?"

"It's um—" Heather began.

"Hey, Miley!" A tall-ish boy ran to the brunette's side. He had shaggy hair, was covered head-to-toe in mud and smelled like fresh manure.

"What'chya needin' boy? I'm tryna greet the new people!" Miley announced, gesturing to the Truscott family.

"Yeah, dandy. I'm Jackson Stewart. Anyway, Miles I can't find the pig slop. Where did ya put it?"

"Why d'ya need that? I just fed Luanne this mornin'."

"This isn't 'bout your pet pig, Miles! You forgot to go to the market yesterday and I was hungrey, so I..."

"You ate Lulu's food? No wonder she hates you, boy!" The brunette slapped his cowboy hat, "I'm goin' to the market now. When I get back, I better not see any of Lu's food missin', or you'll be gettin' it, Jackson."


"Yeah, now get." The brunette said, pushing him away and laughing as she watched him fall into another fresh pile of manure. Brushing off her hands, Miley turned back around to speak to the Truscott family. Her smile left when she saw they had vanished.

Admittedly a bit sad, she rolled her eyes and walked into the market. The brunette picked up a couple of things for her family as well. Humming to herself, the brunette pushed through the crowd and skipped the rest of the way home.

"Hey, y'all, I'm home!" The girl called out.

"Well hey there, Darlin'!" Miley's father, Robbie Ray Stewart said from the kitchen. She walked over to him and kissed his forehead hello.

"You went shoppin'?"

"Yes're." Miley answered, "Since Jackson started eating Luanne's food again, I figured it was 'bout time to get some new food."

"That reminds me, I saw that boy sniffin' out in the barn earlier."

"Oh, sweet niblets." She got up off her seat and trudged down to the barn, "Jackson, what're ya doin'?"

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