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"I love my choppa and I think it love me"

"I love my choppa and I think it love me"__________________________

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Breshay got up a little earlier today because the place she was supposed to meet her officer at was farther than usual.

She put her clothes on and walked to Tadoe's room to see no one in the bed. She sighed and walked over to g baby's room opening it.

She walked up to him shaking him a lil. "Aye can u take me to the place my officer told me to go to?" She asked and he didn't respond so she shook him harder asking him a lil louder making him groan.

"What" he mumbled in a raspy voice.

"Get up, I need you to take me somewhere real quick."


"No it's like a 20 minute walk and ion got time for that and I needa be there now."

He sighed loudly and sat up rubbing his hands down his face then laid back down pulling the covers over him "ask momma."

"You know she gonna cuss me out if I tell her to get up at this time."

"Ion know Bre, u gotta figure some shit out you the one who wanna keep being bad now u gotta find yourself a way to your community service shit."

"G baby stopppp, please just take me." She sighed and he turned over going back to sleep.

She rolled her eyes going to her moms room and walked up to her bed seeing her sleep peacefully and thought about the hell she would raise if she woke her up right now.

She walked back out the room and into g baby's room dragging him off the bed kicking him in the head "get upppp!"

He got up and she started laughing running downstairs, he was hot on her tail.

She ran through the living room looking back at him then tripped over the table falling on it making the glass shatter.

"Ohhh shitt!" G baby stood there looking at her with his fist over his mouth.

She looked down at her arms and hands seeing pieces of glass in it and blood coming out of it.

G baby walked up to her tippy toeing making sure he didn't get glass in his feet. "If momma see this she gonna beat your ass."

"Nahh she gonna beat ya ass too, this wouldn't have happened if you just took me to where I needed to go and stop being stubborn."

"Nahhh don't try to put this shit on me."

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" They heard their momma yell.

"Oh shit" they said in union.

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