Chapter Five

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 I was walking in slightly hearing footsteps In the room next to me. I walked over where Angela was setting up these wires to her laptop, and pulling out more cameras.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." she snapped. I guess she still angry from whatever Calvin said.

I sighed slowly.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and tried called up Charles for more answers, but he didn't answer.

I turned my ringer on low though, just in case he called me back. I sighed, and I walked over in the dusty dining room and slid against the wall in the dining room as Angela was setting up a bunch of equipment. It was quiet while she set up her machines. She looked over her equipment; she knew what she was doing to look for a ghost.

To protect and banish the harmful ones, not so much.

"Angela when did you get into ghost hunting and stuff?" I asked.

She flinched slightly, before she looked down sadly at her equipment. "My older brother Bryce, liked ghost stories I learned to like them." she stated plainly and fast.

A lie. All right, a touchy subject than.

" What about you? When did you get into ghost stuff." she asked, turning a camera towards the dining room.

"My mother. She use to tell me the scariest of stories." I said happily. It was the one thing we truly bonded over.

"Cool! I wish my parents were more understanding. They complain I stay up because i'm scared of the ghost stories." she laugh slightly.

It was all quiet. She went around the house and placed cameras in the corners and hid them in places. I followed her around, making sure she was not going to get killed.

We were in the upstairs hall. She pulled out a chair from the rubble of tiny tables. She stepped up onto it, and drilled the camera into the side of the wall and came crashing down, to the end of the banister. Luckily I caught her so she would not plummet to her death. After that I helped her carry cameras and other things around. We walked back down to the dining room after setting up all of the cameras.

I sat down against the wall where her chair was in front of me. She was sitting down messing with most of the controls on the computer, when the screen started to make static noises. I looked up from the dusty ground to her computer screen. Words written in sloppy cursive displayed on the screen. A chuckle erupted through the room, and a music box cover played. A voice of a charming young man played out from the screen.

" My sunshine, My only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey, you never know dear how much I love you, so don't take my sunshine away...." His deep voice pierced the silent air, causing the room to tense up. "Have a lovely time here in the depth of hell."

I looked at Angela who was there with a small smile, though I could tell she was scared.

"That was a ghost, a real ghost; I'm not crazy- oH my god, ghosts are real-" she started, waving her arms around, excited.

Well at least she took the news better than me.

Suddenly a cold chill erupted from me, and I turned to the door frame of the room. A young girl leaned against the door frame. Her hair was messily braided into pigtails tied up into a half bun, like someone had tried to rip out her hair. She wore an old pink dress that reached just below her knees. Her body was bloody and bruised, mangled almost like a rag doll.

Of course I didn't freak out seeing her. I heard a joyous scream from Angela, she grabbed a camera off of the stand and pointed down to the ghost.

I stayed calm and looked back at the young girl; this was not my first ghost nor my last.

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